Source code for porespy.generators._fractals

import logging
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as spim
from import get_tqdm
from porespy import settings

tqdm = get_tqdm()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

[docs] def random_cantor_dust(shape, n: int = 5, p: int = 2, f: float = 0.8, seed: int = None): r""" Generates an image of random cantor dust Parameters ---------- shape : array_like The shape of the final image. If not evenly divisible by $p**n$ it will be increased to the nearest size that is. n : int The number of times to iteratively divide the image. p : int (default = 2) The number of divisions to make on each iteration. f : float (default = 0.8) The fraction of the set to keep on each iteration. seed : int, optional, default = `None` Initializes numpy's random number generator to the specified state. If not provided, the current global value is used. This means calls to ``np.random.state(seed)`` prior to calling this function will be respected. Returns ------- dust : ndarray A boolean image of a random Cantor dust Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) # Parse the given shape and adjust if necessary shape = np.array(shape) trim = np.mod(shape, (p**n)) if np.any(trim > 0): shape = shape - trim + p**n logger.warning(f"Requested shape being changed to {shape}") im = np.ones(shape, dtype=bool) divs = [] if isinstance(n, int): for i in range(1, n): divs.append(p**i) else: for i in n: divs.append(p**i) for i in tqdm(divs, **settings.tqdm): sh = (np.array(im.shape)/i).astype(int) mask = np.random.rand(*sh) < f mask = spim.zoom(mask, zoom=i, order=0) im = im*mask return im
def sierpinski_foam2(shape, n: int = 5): r""" Generates an image of a Sierpinski carpet or foam with independent control of image size and number of iterations Parameters ---------- shape : array_like The shape of the final image to create. To create a 'centered' image, the shape should be ``3**n``. n : int The number of times to iteratively divide the image. This functions starts by inserting single voxels, then inserts increasingly large squares/cubes. Returns ------- im : ndarray A boolean image with ``False`` values inserted at at the center of each square (or cubic) sub-section. Notes ----- This function may generate a larger image than need then return the center portion of the requested ``shape``, so the edges may be clipped from the true Sierpinski foam. This can be avoided by setting shape to some multiple of ``3**n``. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ im = np.zeros(shape, dtype=bool) if im.ndim == 2: im[1::3, 1::3] = 1 else: im[1::3, 1::3, 1::3] = 1 i = 1 pbar = tqdm() while i < n: if im.ndim == 2: mask = np.zeros([3**(i+1), 3**(i+1)], dtype=bool) s = 3**(i+1)//3 mask[s:-s, s:-s] = 1 t = int(np.ceil(im.shape[0]/mask.shape[0])) im2 = np.tile(mask, [t, t]) im2 = im2[:im.shape[0], :im.shape[1]] if im.ndim == 3: mask = np.zeros([3**(i+1), 3**(i+1), 3**(i+1)], dtype=bool) s = 3**(i+1)//3 mask[s:-s, s:-s, s:-s] = 1 t = int(np.ceil(im.shape[0]/mask.shape[0])) im2 = np.tile(mask, [t, t, t]) im2 = im2[:im.shape[0], :im.shape[1], :im.shape[2]] im += im2 i += 1 pbar.update() pbar.close() im = im == 0 return im
[docs] def sierpinski_foam(dmin: int = 1, n: int = 5, ndim: int = 2, max_size: int = 1e9): r""" Generates an image of a Sierpinski carpet or foam Parameters ---------- dmin : int The size of the smallest square in the final image n : int The number of times to iteratively tile the image ndim : int The number of dimensions of the desired image, can be 2 or 3. The default value is 2. Returns ------- foam : ndarray A boolean image of a Sierpinski gasket or foam Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ def _insert_cubes(im, n): if n > 0: n -= 1 shape = np.asarray(np.shape(im)) im = np.tile(im, (3, 3, 3)) im[shape[0]:2*shape[0], shape[1]:2*shape[1], shape[2]:2*shape[2]] = 0 if im.size < max_size: im = _insert_cubes(im, n) return im def _insert_squares(im, n): if n > 0: n -= 1 shape = np.asarray(np.shape(im)) im = np.tile(im, (3, 3)) im[shape[0]:2*shape[0], shape[1]:2*shape[1]] = 0 if im.size < max_size: im = _insert_squares(im, n) return im im = np.ones([dmin]*ndim, dtype=int) if ndim == 2: im = _insert_squares(im, n) elif ndim == 3: im = _insert_cubes(im, n) return im