Source code for porespy.networks._snow2

import logging
import numpy as np
from porespy.networks import regions_to_network
from porespy.networks import add_boundary_regions
from porespy.networks import label_phases, label_boundaries
from porespy.filters import snow_partitioning, snow_partitioning_parallel
from import Results

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def snow2(phases, phase_alias=None, boundary_width=3, accuracy='standard', voxel_size=1, sigma=0.4, r_max=4, peaks=None, parallelization={},): r""" Applies the SNOW algorithm to each phase indicated in ``phases``. This function is a combination of ``snow`` [1]_, ``snow_dual`` [2]_, ``snow_n`` [3]_, and ``snow_parallel`` [4]_ from previous versions. Parameters ---------- phases : ndarray An image indicating the phase(s) of interest. A watershed is produced for each integer value in ``phases`` (except 0's). These are then combined into a single image and one network is extracted using ``regions_to_network``. phase_alias : dict A mapping between integer values in ``phases`` and phase name used to add labels to the network. For instance, asssuming a two-phase image, ``{1: 'void', 2: 'solid'}`` will result in the labels ``'pore.void'`` and ``'pore.solid'``, as well as ``'throat.solid_void'``, ``'throat.solid_solid'``, and ``'throat.void_void'``. If not provided, aliases are assumed to be ``{1: 'phase1', 2: 'phase2, ...}``. Phase labels can also be applied afterward using ``label_phases``. boundary_width : depends Number of voxels to add to the beginning and end of each axis. This argument can either be a scalar or a list. If a scalar is passed, it will be applied to the beginning and end of all axes. If a list, you can specify the number of voxels for each axis individually. Here are some examples: - [0, 3, 0]: 3 voxels only applied to the y-axis. - [0, [0, 3], 0]: 3 voxels only applied to the end of y-axis. - [0, [3, 0], 0]: 3 voxels only applied to the beginning of y-axis. The default is to add 3 voxels on both ends of all axes. For each boundary width that is not 0, a label will automatically be applied indicating which end of which axis (i.e. ``'xmin'`` and ``'xmax'``). accuracy : string Controls how accurately certain properties are calculated during the analysis of regions in the ``regions_to_network`` function. Options are: - 'standard' (default) Computes the surface areas and perimeters by simply counting voxels. This is *much* faster but does not properly account for the rough voxelated nature of the surfaces. - 'high' Computes surface areas using the marching cube method, and perimeters using the fast marching method. These are substantially slower but better account for the voxelated nature of the images. voxel_size : scalar (default = 1) The resolution of the image, expressed as the length of one side of a voxel, so the volume of a voxel would be **voxel_size**-cubed. r_max : int The radius of the spherical structuring element to use in the Maximum filter stage that is used to find peaks. The default is 4. sigma : float The standard deviation of the Gaussian filter used in step 1. The default is 0.4. If 0 is given then the filter is not applied. peaks : ndarray, optional Optionally, it is possible to supply an array containing peaks, which are used as markers in the watershed segmentation. If a boolean array is received (``True`` indicating peaks), then ``scipy.ndimage.label`` with cubic connectivity is used to label them. If an integer array is received then it is assumed the peaks have already been labelled. This allows for comparison of peak finding algorithms for instance. If this argument is provided, then ``r_max`` and ``sigma`` are ignored since these are specfically used in the peak finding process. This array should contain peaks for all phases, and they are masked by the ``phases`` argument. If ``peaks`` are provided the parallelization is disabled. parallelization : dict The arguments for controlling the parallelization of the watershed function are rolled into this dictionary, otherwise the function signature would become too complex. Refer to the docstring of ``snow_partitioning_parallel`` for complete details. If no values are provided then the defaults for that function are used here. To disable parallelization pass ``parallel=None``, which will invoke the standard ``snow_partitioning`` or ``snow_partitioning_n``. If ``peaks`` are provided the parallelization is disabled. Returns ------- network : Results object A custom object is returned with the following data added as attributes: - 'phases' The original ``phases`` image with any padding applied - 'regions' The watershed segmentation of the image, including boundary regions if padding was applied - 'network' A dictionary containing all the extracted network properties in OpenPNM format ('pore.coords', 'throat.conns', etc). References ---------- .. [1] Gostick JT. Versatile and efficient pore network extraction method using marker-based watershed segmentation. Phys. Rev. E. 96, 023307 (2017) .. [2] Khan ZA, Tranter TG, Agnaou M, Elkamel A, and Gostick JT, Dual network extraction algorithm to investigate multiple transport processes in porous materials: Image-based modeling of pore and grain-scale processes. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 123(6), 64-77 (2019) .. [3] Khan ZA, GarcĂ­a-Salaberri PA, Heenan T, Jervis R, Shearing P, Brett D, Elkamel A, Gostick JT, Probing the structure-performance relationship of lithium-ion battery cathodes using pore-networks extracted from three-phase tomograms. Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 167(4), 040528 (2020) .. [4] Khan ZA, Elkamel A, Gostick JT, Efficient extraction of pore networks from massive tomograms via geometric domain decomposition. Advances in Water Resources. 145(Nov), 103734 (2020) Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ # Parallel snow does not accept peaks, so if they are provided, # disable parallelization phases = phases.astype(int) if phase_alias is not None: vals = phase_alias.keys() else: vals = np.unique(phases) vals = vals[vals > 0] if peaks is not None: parallelization = None regions = None for i in vals:"Processing phase {i}...") phase = phases == i pk = None if peaks is None else peaks*phase if parallelization is not None: snow = snow_partitioning_parallel( im=phase, sigma=sigma, r_max=r_max, **parallelization) else: snow = snow_partitioning(im=phase, sigma=sigma, r_max=r_max, peaks=pk) if regions is None: regions = np.zeros_like(snow.regions, dtype=int) # Note: Using snow.regions > 0 here instead of phase is needed to # handle a bug in snow_partitioning, see issue #169 and #430 regions += snow.regions + regions.max()*(snow.regions > 0) if phases.shape != regions.shape: logger.warning(f"Image was cropped to {regions.shape} during watershed") for ax in range(phases.ndim): phases = np.swapaxes(phases, 0, ax) phases = phases[:regions.shape[ax], ...] phases = np.swapaxes(phases, 0, ax) # Inspect and clean-up boundary_width argument boundary_width = _parse_pad_width(boundary_width, phases.shape) # If boundaries were specified, pad the images accordingly if np.any(boundary_width): regions = add_boundary_regions(regions, pad_width=boundary_width) phases = np.pad(phases, pad_width=boundary_width, mode='edge') # Perform actual extractcion on all regions net = regions_to_network( regions, phases=phases, accuracy=accuracy, voxel_size=voxel_size) # If image is multiphase, label pores/throats accordingly if phases.max() > 1: phase_alias = _parse_phase_alias(phase_alias, phases) net = label_phases(net, alias=phase_alias) # If boundaries were added, label them accordingly if np.any(boundary_width): W = boundary_width.flatten() L = ['xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax', 'zmin', 'zmax'][:phases.ndim*2] L = [L[i]*int(W[i] > 0) for i in range(len(L))] L = np.reshape(L, newshape=boundary_width.shape) net = label_boundaries(net, labels=L) result = Results() = net result.regions = regions result.phases = phases return result
def _parse_phase_alias(alias, phases): r""" """ if alias is None: alias = {i+1: 'phase' + str(i+1) for i in range(phases.max())} for i in range(phases.max()): if i+1 not in alias.keys(): alias[i+1] = 'phase'+str(i+1) return alias def _parse_pad_width(pad_width, shape): r""" """ ndim = len(shape) pad_width = np.atleast_1d(np.array(pad_width, dtype=object)) if np.size(pad_width) == 1: pad_width = np.tile(pad_width.item(), ndim).astype(object) if len(pad_width) != ndim: raise Exception(f"pad_width must be scalar or {ndim}-element list") tmp = [] for elem in pad_width: if np.size(elem) == 1: tmp.append(np.tile(np.array(elem).item(), 2)) elif np.size(elem) == 2 and np.ndim(elem) == 1: tmp.append(elem) else: raise Exception("pad_width components can't have 2+ elements") return np.array(tmp, dtype=int)