Source code for porespy.visualization._funcs

import porespy as ps
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from matplotlib import animation
from copy import copy
from porespy import settings

__all__ = [

[docs] def set_mpl_style(): # pragma: no cover r""" Prettifies matplotlib's output by adjusting fonts, markersize etc. """ sfont = 12 mfont = 12 lfont = 12 image_props = {'interpolation': 'none', 'cmap': 'viridis', 'origin': 'lower'} line_props = {'linewidth': 2, 'markersize': 8, 'markerfacecolor': 'w'} font_props = {'size': sfont} axes_props = {'titlesize': lfont, 'labelsize': mfont, 'linewidth': 2, 'labelpad': 8} xtick_props = {'labelsize': sfont, 'top': True, 'direction': 'in', 'major.size': 6, 'major.width': 2} ytick_props = {'labelsize': sfont, 'right': True, 'direction': 'in', 'major.size': 6, 'major.width': 2} legend_props = {'fontsize': mfont, 'frameon': False} figure_props = {'titlesize': sfont, 'autolayout': True} plt.rc('font', **font_props) plt.rc('lines', **line_props) plt.rc('axes', **axes_props) plt.rc('xtick', **xtick_props) plt.rc('ytick', **ytick_props) plt.rc('legend', **legend_props) plt.rc('figure', **figure_props) plt.rc('image', **image_props) if ps.settings.notebook: import IPython IPython.display.set_matplotlib_formats('retina')
[docs] def satn_to_movie(im, satn, cmap='viridis', c_under='grey', c_over='white', v_under=1e-3, v_over=1.0, fps=10, repeat=True): r""" Converts a saturation map into an animation that can be saved Parameters ---------- im : ndarray The boolean image of the porous media with ``True`` values indicating the void space satn : ndaray The saturation map such as that produced by an invasion or drainage algorithm. cmap : str The name of the matplotlib color map to use. These are listed on matplotlib's website `here <>`__ c_under, c_over : str The color to insert for values that are less than `v_under` (greater than `v_over`). The string value of colors are given on matplotlib's website `here <>`__ v_under, v_over : scalar The values in ``satn`` that should be considered the lower and upper threshold, beyond which the colors given in `c_under` and `c_over` are used. fps : int The frames per second to use when generating the movie. A higher number gives a shorter and faster-paced movie. repeat : bool If ``True`` the produced animation will rerun repeatedly until stopped or closed. Notes ----- To save animation as a file use: ``'image_based_ip.gif', writer='imagemagick', fps=3)`` Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ # Define nice color map cmap = copy( cmap.set_over(color=c_over) cmap.set_under(color=c_under) # Reduce inv_satn image to limited number of values to speed-up movie target = np.around(satn, decimals=3) seq = np.zeros_like(target) # Empty image to place frame movie = [] # List to append each frame fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) steps = np.unique(target)[1:] with tqdm(steps, **settings.tqdm) as pbar: for v in steps: pbar.update() seq += v*(target == v) seq[~im] = target.max() + 10 frame1 = ax.imshow(seq, vmin=v_under, vmax=v_over, animated=True, cmap=cmap, origin='lower', interpolation='none') movie.append([frame1]) ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, movie, interval=int(1000/fps), blit=True, repeat=repeat, repeat_delay=1.0) return ani
[docs] def satn_to_panels(satn, im, bins=None, axis=0, slice=None, **kwargs): r""" Produces a set of images with each panel containing one saturation Parameters ---------- satn : ndarray An image with each voxel indicating the global saturation at which it was invaded. 0 indicates solid and -1 indicates uninvaded. im : ndarray A boolean image with ``True`` values indicating the void voxels and ``False`` for solid. bins : int Indicates for which saturations images should be made. If an ``int`` then a list of equally space values between 0 and 1 is generated. If ``None`` (default) than all saturation values in the image are used. axis : int, optional If the image is 3D, a 2D image is extracted at the specified ``slice`` taken along this axis. If the image is 2D this is ignored. slice : int, optional If the image is 3D, a 2D image is extracted from this slice along the given ``axis``. If ``None``, then a slice at the mid-point of the axis is returned. If 2D this is ignored. **kwargs : various Additional keyword arguments are sent to the ``imshow`` function, such as ``interpolation``. Returns ------- fig, ax : Matplotlib figure and axis objects The same things as returned by ``plt.subplots`` Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ def factors(n): return sorted(list(set( factor for i in range(1, int(n**0.5) + 1) if n % i == 0 for factor in (i, n//i) ))) if bins is None: Ps = np.unique(satn) elif isinstance(bins, int): Ps = np.linspace(0, 1, bins+1)[1:] Ps = Ps[Ps > 0] f = factors(len(Ps)) if len(Ps) < 4: m = 1 n = len(Ps) elif len(f) % 2 == 0: m, n = f[int(len(f)/2-1)], f[int(len(f)/2)] else: m = f[int(len(f)/2)] n = m fig, ax = plt.subplots(m, n) ax = np.atleast_2d(ax) temp_old = np.zeros_like(im) for i, p in enumerate(Ps): temp = (satn <= p)*(satn > 0) im_data = prep_for_imshow(im=temp*2.0 - temp_old*1.0, mask=im, axis=axis, slice=slice) im_data.pop('vmax') [im_data.pop(i) for i in kwargs] ax[i // n][i % n].imshow(**im_data, vmax=2, **kwargs) ax[i // n][i % n].set_title( str(np.around(temp.sum(dtype=np.int64)/im.sum(dtype=np.int64), decimals=5))) temp_old = np.copy(temp) return fig, ax
[docs] def prep_for_imshow(im, mask=None, axis=0, slice=None): r""" Adjusts the range of greyscale values in an image to improve visualization by ``matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`` Parameters ---------- im : ndimage The image to show. If ``im`` includes ``+inf`` or ``-inf`` values, they are converted to 1 above or below the minimum and maximum finite values in ``im``, respectively. mask : ndimage, optional An image of the porous material with ``True`` indicating voxels of interest. The ``False`` voxels are excluded from the ``vmax`` and ``vmin`` calculation. axis : int, optional If the image is 3D, a 2D image is returned with the specified ``slice`` taken along this axis (default = 0). If ``None`` then a 3D image is returned. If the image is 2D this is ignored. slice : int, optional If ``im`` is 3D, a 2D image is be returned showing this slice along the given ``axis``. If ``None``, then a slice at the mid-point of the axis is returned. If ``axis`` is ``None`` or the image is 2D this is ignored. Returns ------- kwargs : dict A python dicionary designed to be passed directly to ``matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`` using the "\*\*kwargs" features (i.e. ``plt.imshow(\*\*data)``). It contains the following key-value pairs: =============== ======================================================= key value =============== ======================================================= 'X' The adjusted image with ``+inf`` replaced by ``vmax + 1``, and all solid voxels replacd by ``np.nan`` to show as white in ``imshow`` 'vmax' The maximum of ``values`` not including ``+inf`` or values in ``False`` voxels in ``mask``. 'vmin' The minimum of ``values`` not including ``-inf`` or values in ``False`` voxels in ``mask``. 'interpolation' Set to 'none' to avoid artifacts in ``imshow`` 'origin' Set to 'lower' to put (0, 0) on the bottom-left corner =============== ======================================================= Notes ----- If any of the *extra* items are unwanted they can be removed with ``del data['interpolation']`` or ``data.pop('interpolation')``. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ # If 3D, fetch 2D slice immediately to save memory if (im.ndim == 3) and (axis is not None): if slice is None: slice = int(im.shape[axis]/2) # Rotate image to put given axis first, then slice im = np.swapaxes(im, 0, axis)[slice, ...] if mask is not None: # Rotate mask as well, then slice mask = np.swapaxes(mask, 0, axis)[slice, ...] im = im.astype(float) if mask is None: mask = np.ones_like(im, dtype=bool) vmax = np.amax((im*(im < np.inf))[mask]) im[(im == np.inf)] = vmax + 1 vmin = np.amin((im*(im > -np.inf))[mask]) im[(im == -np.inf)] = vmin - 1 return {'X': im, 'vmin': vmin, 'vmax': vmax, 'interpolation': 'none', 'origin': 'lower'}