import heapq as hq
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import scipy.ndimage as spim
from typing import Literal
from numba import njit
from porespy import settings
from porespy.filters import flood
from import (
from porespy.filters import (
tqdm = get_tqdm()
__all__ = [
def fill_trapped_voxels(
seq: npt.NDArray,
trapped: npt.NDArray = None,
max_size: int = 1,
conn: str = 'min',
Finds small isolated clusters of voxels which were identified as trapped and
sets them to invaded.
seq : ndarray
The sequence map resulting from an invasion process where trapping has
been applied, such that trapped voxels are labelled -1.
trapped : ndarray, optional
The boolean array of the trapped voxels. If this is not available than all
voxels in `seq` with a value < 0 are used.
min_size : int
The maximum size of the clusters which are to be filled. Clusters larger
than this size are left trapped.
conn : str
Controls the shape of the structuring element used to find neighboring
voxels when looking for sequence values to place into un-trapped voxels.
Options are:
========= ==================================================================
Option Description
========= ==================================================================
'min' This corresponds to a cross with 4 neighbors in 2D and 6 neighbors
in 3D.
'max' This corresponds to a square or cube with 8 neighbors in 2D and
26 neighbors in 3D.
========= ==================================================================
A dataclass-like object with the following images as attributes:
========== ==================================================================
Attribute Description
========== ==================================================================
'seq' The invasion sequence image with erroneously trapped voxels set
back to untrapped, and given the sequence number of their
nearby voxels.
'trapped' An updated mask of trapped voxels with the erroneously trapped
voxels removed (i.e. set to `False`).
========== ==================================================================
This function has to essentially guess which sequence value to put into each
un-trapped voxel so the sequence values can differ between the output of
this function and the result returned by the various invasion algorithms where
the trapping is computed internally. However, the fluid configuration for a
given saturation will be nearly identical.
if trapped is None:
trapped = seq < 0
strel = ps_round(r=1, ndim=seq.ndim, smooth=False)
size = region_size(trapped, strel=strel)
mask = (size <= max_size)*(size > 0)
trapped[mask] = False
if conn == 'min':
strel = ps_round(r=1, ndim=seq.ndim, smooth=False)
strel = ps_rect(w=3, ndim=seq.ndim)
mx = spim.maximum_filter(seq*~trapped, footprint=strel)
mx = flood_func(mx, np.amax, labels=spim.label(mask, structure=strel)[0])
seq[mask] = mx[mask]
results = Results()
results.im_seq = seq
results.im_trapped = trapped
return results
def find_trapped_regions(
im: npt.ArrayLike,
seq: npt.ArrayLike,
outlets: npt.ArrayLike,
return_mask: bool = True,
conn: Literal['min', 'max'] = 'min',
method: Literal['queue', 'cluster'] = 'cluster',
min_size: int = 0,
Find the trapped regions given an invasion sequence map and specified outlets
im : ndarray
The boolean image of the porous material with `True` indicating the phase
of interest.
seq : ndarray
An image with invasion sequence values in each voxel. Regions
labelled -1 are considered uninvaded, and regions labelled 0 are
considered solid. Because sequence values are used, this function is
agnostic to whether the invasion followed drainage or imbibition.
outlets : ndarray
An image the same size as ``im`` with ``True`` indicating outlets
and ``False`` elsewhere.
return_mask : bool
If ``True`` (default) then the returned image is a boolean mask
indicating which voxels are trapped. If ``False``, then a copy of
``seq`` is returned with the trapped voxels set to uninvaded (-1) and
the remaining invasion sequence values adjusted accordingly.
conn : str
Controls the shape of the structuring element used to determin if voxels
are connected. Options are:
========= ==================================================================
Option Description
========= ==================================================================
'min' This corresponds to a cross with 4 neighbors in 2D and 6 neighbors
in 3D.
'max' This corresponds to a square or cube with 8 neighbors in 2D and
26 neighbors in 3D.
========= ==================================================================
method : str
Controls which method is used to analyze the invasion sequence. Options are:
========= ==================================================================
Option Description
========= ==================================================================
'cluster' Uses `scipy.ndimage.label` to find all clusters of invading phase
connected to the outlet at each value of sequence found on the
outlet face. This method is faster if `ibop` was used for the
'queue' Uses a priority queue and walks the invasion process in reverse
to find all trapped voxels. This method is faster if `ibip` or
`qbip` was used for the simulation.
========= ==================================================================
min_size : int
Any clusters of trapped voxels smaller than this size will be set to *not
trapped*. This is useful to prevent small voxels along edges of the void
space from being set to trapped. These can appear to be trapped due to the
jagged nature of the digital image. The default is 0, meaning this
adjustment is not applied, but a value of 3 or 4 is recommended to activate
this adjustment.
trapped : ND-image
An image, the same size as ``seq``. If ``return_mask`` is ``True``,
then the image has ``True`` values indicating the trapped voxels. If
``return_mask`` is ``False``, then a copy of ``seq`` is returned with
trapped voxels set to -1.
`Click here
to view online example.
if method == 'queue':
seq = np.copy(seq) # Need a copy since the queue method updates 'in-place'
seq_temp = _find_trapped_regions_queue(
elif method == 'cluster':
seq_temp = _find_trapped_regions_cluster(
raise Exception(f'{method} is not a supported method')
if min_size > 0: # Fix pixels on solid surfaces
seq_temp, trapped = fill_trapped_voxels(seq_temp, max_size=min_size)
trapped = (seq_temp == -1)*im
if return_mask:
return trapped
return seq_temp
def _find_trapped_regions_cluster(
im: npt.ArrayLike,
seq: npt.ArrayLike,
outlets: npt.ArrayLike,
conn: Literal['min', 'max'] = 'min',
This version is meant for IBOP (i.e. drainage or MIO) simulations
if im is None:
im = ~(seq == 0)
seq = np.copy(seq)
if outlets is None:
outlets = get_border(seq.shape, mode='faces')
if conn == 'min':
strel = ps_round(r=1, ndim=seq.ndim, smooth=False)
elif conn == 'max':
strel = ps_rect(w=3, ndim=seq.ndim)
# All uninvaded regions should be given sequence number of lowest nearby fluid
mask = seq < 0 # This is used again at the end of the function to fix seq
if np.any(mask):
mask_dil = spim.binary_dilation(mask, structure=strel)*im
tmp = seq*mask_dil
new_seq = flood(im=tmp, labels=spim.label(mask_dil)[0], mode='maximum')
seq = seq*~mask + new_seq*mask
# TODO: Convert outlets to indices instead of mask to save time (maybe?)
outlets = np.where(outlets)
# Remove all trivially trapped regions (i.e. invaded after last outlet)
trapped = np.zeros_like(seq, dtype=bool)
Lmax = seq[outlets].max()
trapped[seq > Lmax] = True
# Scan image for each value of sequence in the outlets
bins = np.unique(seq[seq <= Lmax])[-1::-1]
bins = bins[bins > 0]
for i in tqdm(range(len(bins)), **settings.tqdm):
s = bins[i]
temp = seq >= s
labels = spim.label(temp, structure=strel)[0]
keep = np.unique(labels[outlets])
keep = keep[keep > 0]
trapped += temp*np.isin(labels, keep, invert=True)
# Set uninvaded locations back to -1, and set to untrapped
seq[mask] = -1
trapped[mask] = False
seq[trapped] = -1
seq = make_contiguous(seq, mode='symmetric')
return seq
def _find_trapped_regions_queue(
im: npt.NDArray,
seq: npt.NDArray,
outlets: npt.NDArray,
conn: Literal['min', 'max'] = 'min',
This version is meant for IBIP or QBIP (ie. invasion) simulations.
im = im > 0
# Make sure outlets are masked correctly and convert to 3d
out_temp = np.atleast_3d(outlets*(seq > 0))
# Initialize im_trapped array
im_trapped = np.ones_like(out_temp, dtype=bool)
# Convert seq to negative numbers and convert to 3d
seq_temp = np.atleast_3d(-1*seq)
# Note which sites have been added to heap already
edge = out_temp*np.atleast_3d(im) + np.atleast_3d(~im)
# seq = np.copy(np.atleast_3d(seq))
trapped = _trapped_regions_inner_loop(
# Finalize images
seq = np.squeeze(seq)
trapped = np.squeeze(trapped)
seq[trapped] = -1
seq[~im] = 0
seq = make_contiguous(im=seq, mode='symmetric')
return seq
def _trapped_regions_inner_loop(
): # pragma: no cover
# Initialize the binary heap
inds = np.where(outlets)
bd = []
for row, (i, j, k) in enumerate(zip(inds[0], inds[1], inds[2])):
bd.append([seq[i, j, k], i, j, k])
minseq = np.amin(seq)
step = 1
maxiter = np.sum(seq < 0)
for _ in range(1, maxiter):
if len(bd): # Put next site into pts list
pts = [hq.heappop(bd)]
print(f"Exiting after {step} steps")
# Also pop any other points in list with same value
while len(bd) and (bd[0][0] == pts[0][0]):
while len(pts):
pt = pts.pop()
if (pt[0] >= minseq) and (pt[0] < 0):
trapped[pt[1], pt[2], pt[3]] = False
minseq = pt[0]
# Add neighboring points to heap and edge
neighbors = \
_find_valid_neighbors(i=pt[1], j=pt[2], k=pt[3], im=edge, conn=conn)
for n in neighbors:
hq.heappush(bd, [seq[n], n[0], n[1], n[2]])
edge[n[0], n[1], n[2]] = True
# if step % 1000 == 0:
# print(f'completed {str(step)} steps')
step += 1
return trapped
def _find_valid_neighbors(
): # pragma: no cover
if im.ndim == 2:
xlim, ylim = im.shape
if conn == 'min':
mask = [[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]]
elif conn == 'max':
mask = [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]
neighbors = []
for a, x in enumerate(range(i-1, i+2)):
if (x >= 0) and (x < xlim):
for b, y in enumerate(range(j-1, j+2)):
if (y >= 0) and (y < ylim):
if mask[a][b] == 1:
if im[x, y] == valid:
neighbors.append((x, y))
xlim, ylim, zlim = im.shape
if conn == 'min':
mask = [[[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]],
[[0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0]],
[[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]]
elif conn == 'max':
mask = [[[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]],
[[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]],
[[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]]
neighbors = []
for a, x in enumerate(range(i-1, i+2)):
if (x >= 0) and (x < xlim):
for b, y in enumerate(range(j-1, j+2)):
if (y >= 0) and (y < ylim):
for c, z in enumerate(range(k-1, k+2)):
if (z >= 0) and (z < zlim):
if mask[a][b][c] == 1:
if im[x, y, z] == valid:
neighbors.append((x, y, z))
return neighbors