Source code for porespy.filters._snows

import inspect as insp
import logging

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as spim
import scipy.spatial as sptl
from numba import njit, prange
from skimage.morphology import cube, square
from skimage.segmentation import watershed

from porespy import settings
from porespy.filters import chunked_func
from import (

    from pyedt import edt
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    from edt import edt

__all__ = [

tqdm = get_tqdm()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def snow_partitioning(im, dt=None, r_max=4, sigma=0.4, peaks=None): r""" Partition the void space into pore regions using a marker-based watershed algorithm Parameters ---------- im : array_like A boolean image of the domain, with ``True`` indicating the pore space and ``False`` elsewhere. dt : array_like, optional The distance transform of the pore space. This is done automatically if not provided, but if the distance transform has already been computed then supplying it can save some time. r_max : int The radius of the spherical structuring element to use in the Maximum filter stage that is used to find peaks. The default is 4. sigma : float The standard deviation of the Gaussian filter used in step 1. The default is 0.4. If 0 is given then the filter is not applied, which is useful if a distance transform is supplied as the ``im`` argument that has already been processed. peaks : ndarray, optional Optionally, it is possible to supply an array containing peaks, which are used as markers in the watershed segmentation. If a boolean array is received (``True`` indicating peaks), then ``scipy.ndimage.label`` with cubic connectivity is used to label them. If an integer array is received then it is assumed the peaks have already been labelled. This allows for comparison of peak finding algorithms for instance. If this argument is provided, then ``r_max`` and ``sigma`` are ignored since these are specfically used in the peak finding process. Returns ------- results : Results object A custom object with the following data as attributes: ============ ========================================================== Item Description ============ ========================================================== ``im`` The binary image of the void space ``dt`` The distance transform of the image ``peaks`` The peaks of the distance transform after applying the steps of the SNOW algorithm ``regions`` The void space partitioned into pores using a marker based watershed with the peaks found by the SNOW algorithm ============ ========================================================== Notes ----- The SNOW network extraction algorithm (Sub-Network of an Over-segmented Watershed) was designed to handle to perculiarities of high porosity materials, but it applies well to other materials as well. References ---------- [1] Gostick, J. "A versatile and efficient network extraction algorithm using marker-based watershed segmenation". Physical Review E. (2017) Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """"Beginning SNOW algorithm") im_shape = np.array(im.shape) if im.dtype is not bool:"Converting supplied image to boolean") im = im > 0 if dt is None:"Performing distance transform") if np.any(im_shape == 1): dt = edt(im.squeeze()) dt = dt.reshape(im_shape) else: dt = edt(im) if peaks is None: if sigma > 0:"Applying Gaussian blur with sigma = {sigma}") dt_blurred = spim.gaussian_filter(input=dt, sigma=sigma)*im else: dt_blurred = np.copy(dt) peaks = find_peaks(dt=dt_blurred, r_max=r_max) logger.debug(f"Initial number of peaks: {spim.label(peaks)[1]}") peaks = trim_saddle_points(peaks=peaks, dt=dt) logger.debug(f"Peaks after trimming saddle points: {spim.label(peaks)[1]}") peaks = trim_nearby_peaks(peaks=peaks, dt=dt) logger.debug(f"Peaks after trimming nearby points: {spim.label(peaks)[1]}") peaks, N = spim.label(peaks > 0, structure=ps_rect(3, im.ndim)) regions = watershed(image=-dt, markers=peaks) tup = Results() = im tup.dt = dt tup.peaks = peaks tup.regions = regions * (im > 0) return tup
[docs] def snow_partitioning_n(im, r_max=4, sigma=0.4, peaks=None): r""" This function partitions an imaging oontain an arbitrary number of phases into regions using a marker-based watershed segmentation. Parameters ---------- im : ndarray Image of porous material where each phase is represented by unique integer starting from 1 (0's are ignored). r_max : scalar The radius of the spherical structuring element to use in the Maximum filter stage that is used to find peaks. The default is 4. sigma : scalar The standard deviation of the Gaussian filter used. The default is 0.4. If 0 is given then the filter is not applied. peaks : ndarray, optional Optionally, it is possible to supply an array containing peaks, which are used as markers in the watershed segmentation. Must be a boolean array with ``True`` indicating peaks; ``scipy.ndimage.label`` with cubic connectivity is used to label them. If this argument is provided then ``r_max`` and ``sigma`` are ignored, since these are specfically used in the peak finding process. Returns ------- results : Results object A custom object with the following data as attributes: - 'im' The original image of the porous material - 'dt' The combined distance transform in alll phases of the image - 'phase_max_label' The list of max label of each phase in order to distinguish between each other - 'regions' The partitioned regions of n phases using a marker based watershed with the peaks found by the SNOW algorithm References ---------- [1] Gostick, J. "A versatile and efficient network extraction algorithm using marker-based watershed segmentation". Physical Review E. (2017) [2] Khan, ZA et al. "Dual network extraction algorithm to investigate multiple transport processes in porous materials: Image-based modeling of pore and grain-scale processes". Computers in Chemical Engineering. (2019) See Also -------- snow_partitioning Notes ----- In principle it is possible to perform a distance transform on each phase separately, merge these into a single image, then apply the watershed only once. This, however, has been found to create edge artifacts between regions arising from the way watershed handles plateaus in the distance transform. To overcome this, this function applies the watershed to each of the distance transforms separately, then merges the segmented regions back into a single image. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ # Perform snow on each phase and merge all segmentation and dt together phases_num = np.unique(im).astype(int) phases_num = phases_num[phases_num > 0] combined_dt = 0 combined_region = 0 _peaks = np.zeros_like(im, dtype=int) num = [0] for i, j in enumerate(phases_num):"Processing Phase {j}") # Isolate active phase from image phase = im == j # Limit peaks to active phase only temp = peaks*phase if peaks is not None else None phase_snow = snow_partitioning(phase, dt=None, r_max=r_max, sigma=sigma, peaks=temp) combined_dt += phase_snow.dt phase_snow.regions *= phase_snow.regions += num[i] phase_ws = phase_snow.regions * phase_ws[phase_ws == num[i]] = 0 combined_region += phase_ws _peaks = _peaks + phase_snow.peaks + (phase_snow.peaks > 0)*num[i] num.append(np.amax(combined_region)) tup = Results() = im tup.dt = combined_dt tup.phase_max_label = num[1:] tup.regions = combined_region tup.peaks = _peaks return tup
[docs] def find_peaks(dt, r_max=4, strel=None, sigma=None, divs=1): r""" Finds local maxima in the distance transform Parameters ---------- dt : ndarray The distance transform of the pore space. This may be calculated and filtered using any means desired. r_max : scalar The radius of the spherical element used in the maximum filter. This controls the localness of any maxima. The default is 4 voxels. strel : ndarray Instead of supplying ``r_max``, this argument allows a custom structuring element allowing control over both size and shape. sigma : float or list of floats If given, then a gaussian filter is applied to the distance transform using this value for the kernel (i.e. ``scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(dt, sigma)``) divs : int or array_like The number of times to divide the image for parallel processing. If ``1`` then parallel processing does not occur. ``2`` is equivalent to ``[2, 2, 2]`` for a 3D image. The number of cores used is specified in ``porespy.settings.ncores`` and defaults to all cores. Returns ------- image : ndarray An array of booleans with ``True`` values at the location of any local maxima. Notes ----- It is also possible ot the ``peak_local_max`` function from the ``skimage.feature`` module as follows: ``peaks = peak_local_max(image=dt, min_distance=r, exclude_border=0, indices=False)`` The *skimage* function automatically uses a square structuring element which is significantly faster than using a circular or spherical element. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ im = dt > 0 _check_for_singleton_axes(im) if strel is None: strel = ps_round(r=r_max, ndim=im.ndim) if sigma is not None: dt = spim.gaussian_filter(dt, sigma=sigma) parallel = False if isinstance(divs, int): divs = [divs]*len(im.shape) if np.any(np.array(divs) > 1): parallel = True'Performing {insp.currentframe().f_code.co_name} in parallel') if parallel: overlap = max(strel.shape) mx = chunked_func(func=spim.maximum_filter, overlap=overlap, im_arg='input', input=dt + 2.0 * (~im), footprint=strel, cores=settings.ncores, divs=divs) else: # The "2 * (~im)" sets solid voxels to 2 so peaks are not found # at the void/solid interface mx = spim.maximum_filter(dt + 2.0 * (~im), footprint=strel) peaks = (dt == mx) * im return peaks
[docs] def reduce_peaks(peaks): r""" Any peaks that are broad or elongated are replaced with a single voxel that is located at the center of mass of the original voxels. Parameters ---------- peaks : ndarray An image containing ``True`` values indicating peaks in the distance transform Returns ------- image : ndarray An array with the same number of isolated peaks as the original image, but fewer total ``True`` voxels. Notes ----- The center of mass of a group of voxels is used as the new single voxel, so if the group has an odd shape (like a horse shoe), the new voxel may *not* lie on top of the original set. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ if peaks.ndim == 2: strel = square else: strel = cube markers, N = spim.label(input=peaks, structure=strel(3)) inds = spim.center_of_mass( input=peaks, labels=markers, index=np.arange(1, N + 1) ) inds = np.floor(inds).astype(int) # Centroid may not be on old pixel, so create a new peaks image peaks_new = np.zeros_like(peaks, dtype=bool) peaks_new[tuple(inds.T)] = True return peaks_new
[docs] def trim_saddle_points(peaks, dt, maxiter=20): r""" Removes peaks that were mistakenly identified because they lied on a saddle or ridge in the distance transform that was not actually a true local peak. Parameters ---------- peaks : ndarray A boolean image containing ``True`` values to mark peaks in the distance transform (``dt``) dt : ndarray The distance transform of the pore space for which the peaks are sought. maxiter : int The number of iteration to use when finding saddle points. The default value is 20. Returns ------- image : ndarray An image with fewer peaks than the input image References ---------- [1] Gostick, J. "A versatile and efficient network extraction algorithm using marker-based watershed segmentation". Physical Review E. (2017) Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ new_peaks = np.zeros_like(peaks, dtype=bool) if dt.ndim == 2: from skimage.morphology import square as cube else: from skimage.morphology import cube labels, N = spim.label(peaks > 0) slices = spim.find_objects(labels) for i, s in tqdm(enumerate(slices), **settings.tqdm): sx = extend_slice(s, shape=peaks.shape, pad=maxiter) peaks_i = labels[sx] == i + 1 dt_i = dt[sx] im_i = dt_i > 0 iters = 0 while iters < maxiter: iters += 1 peaks_dil = spim.binary_dilation(input=peaks_i, structure=cube(3)) peaks_max = peaks_dil * np.amax(dt_i * peaks_dil) peaks_extended = (peaks_max == dt_i) * im_i if np.all(peaks_extended == peaks_i): new_peaks[sx] += peaks_i break # Found a true peak elif np.sum(peaks_extended * peaks_i, dtype=np.int64) == 0: break # Found a saddle point peaks_i = peaks_extended if iters >= maxiter: logger.debug( "Maximum number of iterations reached, consider " + "running again with a larger value of max_iters" ) return new_peaks*peaks
def trim_saddle_points_legacy(peaks, dt, maxiter=10): r""" Removes peaks that were mistakenly identified because they lied on a saddle or ridge in the distance transform that was not actually a true local peak. Parameters ---------- peaks : ND-array A boolean image containing True values to mark peaks in the distance transform (``dt``) dt : ND-array The distance transform of the pore space for which the true peaks are sought. maxiter : int The maximum number of iterations to run while eroding the saddle points. The default is 10, which is usually not reached; however, a warning is issued if the loop ends prior to removing all saddle points. Returns ------- image : ND-array An image with fewer peaks than the input image Notes ----- This version of the function was included in versions of PoreSpy < 2. It is too aggressive in trimming peaks, so was rewritten for PoreSpy >= 2. This is included here for legacy reasons References ---------- [1] Gostick, J. "A versatile and efficient network extraction algorithm using marker-based watershed segmenation". Physical Review E. (2017) Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ new_peaks = np.zeros_like(peaks, dtype=bool) if dt.ndim == 2: from skimage.morphology import square as cube else: from skimage.morphology import cube labels, N = spim.label(peaks > 0) slices = spim.find_objects(labels) for i, s in tqdm(enumerate(slices), **settings.tqdm): sx = extend_slice(s, shape=peaks.shape, pad=10) peaks_i = labels[sx] == i + 1 dt_i = dt[sx] im_i = dt_i > 0 iters = 0 while iters < maxiter: iters += 1 peaks_dil = spim.binary_dilation(input=peaks_i, structure=cube(3)) peaks_max = peaks_dil * np.amax(dt_i * peaks_dil) peaks_extended = (peaks_max == dt_i) * im_i if np.all(peaks_extended == peaks_i): break # Found a true peak elif np.sum(peaks_extended * peaks_i, dtype=np.int64) == 0: peaks_i = False break # Found a saddle point # The following line was also missing from the original. It has # no effect on the result but without this the "maxiters" is # reached very often. peaks_i = peaks_extended # The following line is essentially a bug. It should be: # peaks[s] += peaks_i. Without the += the peaks_i image overwrites # the entire slice s, which may include other peaks that are within # 10 voxels due to the padding of s with extend_slice. new_peaks[sx] = peaks_i if iters >= maxiter: logger.debug( "Maximum number of iterations reached, consider " + "running again with a larger value of max_iters" ) return new_peaks*peaks
[docs] def trim_nearby_peaks(peaks, dt, f=1): r""" Removes peaks that are nearer to another peak than to solid Parameters ---------- peaks : ndarray A image containing nonzeros values indicating peaks in the distance transform (``dt``). If ``peaks`` is boolean, a boolean is returned; if ``peaks`` have already been labelled, then the original labels are returned, missing the trimmed peaks. dt : ndarray The distance transform of the pore space f : scalar Controls how close peaks must be before they are considered near to each other. Sets of peaks are tagged as too near if ``d_neighbor < f * d_solid``. Returns ------- image : ndarray An array the same size and type as ``peaks`` containing a subset of the peaks in the original image. Notes ----- Each pair of peaks is considered simultaneously, so for a triplet of nearby peaks, each pair is considered. This ensures that only the single peak that is furthest from the solid is kept. No iteration is required. References ---------- [1] Gostick, J. "A versatile and efficient network extraction algorithm using marker-based watershed segmenation". Physical Review E. (2017) Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ if dt.ndim == 2: from skimage.morphology import square as cube else: from skimage.morphology import cube labels, N = spim.label(peaks > 0, structure=cube(3)) crds = spim.center_of_mass(peaks > 0, labels=labels, index=np.arange(1, N + 1)) try: crds = np.vstack(crds).astype(int) # Convert to numpy array of ints except ValueError: return peaks L = dt[tuple(crds.T)] # Get distance to solid for each peak # Add tiny amount to joggle points to avoid equal distances to solid # arange was added instead of random values so the results are repeatable L = L + np.arange(len(L))*1e-6 tree = sptl.KDTree(data=crds) # Find list of nearest peak to each peak temp = tree.query(x=crds, k=2) nearest_neighbor = temp[1][:, 1] dist_to_neighbor = temp[0][:, 1] del temp, tree # Free-up memory hits = np.where(dist_to_neighbor <= f * L)[0] # Drop peak that is closer to the solid than it's neighbor drop_peaks = [] for i in hits: if L[i] < L[nearest_neighbor[i]]: drop_peaks.append(i) else: drop_peaks.append(nearest_neighbor[i]) drop_peaks = np.unique(drop_peaks) new_peaks = ~np.isin(labels, drop_peaks+1)*peaks return new_peaks
def _estimate_overlap(im, mode='dt', zoom=0.25):'Calculating overlap thickness') if mode == 'watershed': rev = spim.interpolation.zoom(im, zoom=zoom, order=0) rev = rev > 0 dt = edt(rev) rev_snow = snow_partitioning(rev, dt=dt) labels, counts = np.unique(rev_snow, return_counts=True) node = np.where(counts == counts[1:].max())[0][0] slices = spim.find_objects(rev_snow) overlap = max(rev_snow[slices[node - 1]].shape) / (zoom * 2.0) if mode == 'dt': dt = edt((im > 0)) overlap = dt.max() return overlap
[docs] def snow_partitioning_parallel(im, r_max=4, sigma=0.4, divs=2, overlap=None, cores=None, ): r""" Performs SNOW algorithm in parallel (or serial) to reduce time (or memory usage) by geomertirc domain decomposition of large images. Parameters ---------- im : ndarray A binary image of porous media with 'True' values indicating phase of interest. overlap : float (optional) The amount of overlap to apply between chunks. If not provided it will be estiamted using ```` with ``mode='dt'``. divs : list or int Number of domains each axis will be divided. Options are: - scalar: it will be assigned to all axis. - list: each respective axis will be divided by its corresponding number in the list. For example [2, 3, 4] will divide z, y and x axis to 2, 3, and 4 respectively. cores : int or None Number of cores that will be used to parallel process all domains. If ``None`` then all cores will be used but user can specify any integer values to control the memory usage. Setting value to 1 will effectively process the chunks in serial to minimize memory usage. Returns ------- regions : ndarray Partitioned image of segmentated regions with unique labels. Each region correspond to pore body while intersection with other region correspond throat area. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ # Adjust image shape according to specified dimension if isinstance(divs, int): divs = [divs for i in range(im.ndim)] shape = [] for i in range(im.ndim): shape.append(divs[i] * (im.shape[i] // divs[i])) if tuple(shape) != im.shape: for i in range(im.ndim): im = im.swapaxes(0, i) im = im[:shape[i], ...] im = im.swapaxes(i, 0) logger.debug(f'Image was cropped to shape {shape}') # Get overlap thickness from distance transform chunk_shape = (np.array(shape) / np.array(divs)).astype(int)'Beginning parallel SNOW algorithm...') if overlap is None: overlap = _estimate_overlap(im, mode='dt') overlap = overlap / 2.0 logger.debug(f'Overlap thickness: {int(2 * overlap)} voxels') dt = edt((im > 0)) # Get overlap and trim depth of all image dimension depth = {} trim_depth = {} for i in range(im.ndim): depth[i] = int(2.0 * overlap) trim_depth[i] = int(2.0 * overlap) - 1 # Applying SNOW to image chunks regions = da.from_array(dt, chunks=chunk_shape) regions = da.overlap.overlap(regions, depth=depth, boundary='none') regions = regions.map_blocks(_snow_chunked, r_max=r_max, sigma=sigma, dtype=dt.dtype) regions = da.overlap.trim_internal(regions, trim_depth, boundary='none') # TODO: use dask ProgressBar once compatible w/ logging.'Applying snow to image chunks') regions = regions.compute(num_workers=cores) # Relabelling watershed chunks'Relabelling watershed chunks') regions = relabel_chunks(im=regions, chunk_shape=chunk_shape) # Stitching watershed chunks'Stitching watershed chunks') regions = _watershed_stitching(im=regions, chunk_shape=chunk_shape) tup = Results() = im tup.dt = dt tup.regions = regions return tup
def _pad(im, pad_width=1, constant_value=0): r""" Pad the image with a constant values and width. Parameters ---------- im : ndarray The image that requires padding pad_width : int The number of values that will be padded from the edges. Default values is 1. contant_value : int Pads with the specified constant value Returns ------- output: ndarray Padded image with same dimnesions as provided image """ shape = np.array(im.shape) pad_shape = shape + (2 * pad_width) temp = np.zeros(pad_shape, dtype=np.uint32) if constant_value != 0: temp = temp + constant_value if im.ndim == 3: temp[pad_width: -pad_width, pad_width: -pad_width, pad_width: -pad_width] = im elif im.ndim == 2: temp[pad_width: -pad_width, pad_width: -pad_width] = im else: temp[pad_width: -pad_width] = im return temp def relabel_chunks(im, chunk_shape): r""" Assign new labels to each chunk or sub-domain of actual image. This prevents from two or more regions to have same label. Parameters ---------- im: ndarray Actual image that contains repeating labels in chunks/sub-domains. chunk_shape: tuple The shape of chunk that will be relabeled in actual image. Note the chunk shape should be a multiple of actual image shape otherwise some labels will not be relabeled. Returns ------- output : ndarray Relabeled image with unique label assigned to each region. """ im = _pad(im, pad_width=1) im_shape = np.array(im.shape, dtype=np.uint32) max_num = 0 c = np.array(chunk_shape, dtype=np.uint32) + 2 num = (im_shape / c).astype(int) if im.ndim == 3: for z in range(num[0]): for y in range(num[1]): for x in range(num[2]): chunk = im[z * c[0]: (z + 1) * c[0], y * c[1]: (y + 1) * c[1], x * c[2]: (x + 1) * c[2]] chunk += max_num chunk[chunk == max_num] = 0 max_num = chunk.max() im[z * c[0]: (z + 1) * c[0], y * c[1]: (y + 1) * c[1], x * c[2]: (x + 1) * c[2]] = chunk else: for y in range(num[0]): for x in range(num[1]): chunk = im[y * c[0]: (y + 1) * c[0], x * c[1]: (x + 1) * c[1]] chunk += max_num chunk[chunk == max_num] = 0 max_num = chunk.max() im[y * c[0]: (y + 1) * c[0], x * c[1]: (x + 1) * c[1]] = chunk return im def _trim_internal_slice(im, chunk_shape): r""" Delete extra slices from image that were used to stitch two or more chunks together. Parameters: ----------- im : ndarray image that contains extra slices in x, y, z direction. chunk_shape : tuple The shape of the chunk from which image is subdivided. Return: ------- output : ndarray Image without extra internal slices. The shape of the image will be same as input image provided for waterhsed segmentation. """ im_shape = np.array(im.shape, dtype=np.uint32) c1 = np.array(chunk_shape, dtype=np.uint32) + 2 c2 = np.array(chunk_shape, dtype=np.uint32) num = (im_shape / c1).astype(int) out_shape = num * c2 out = np.empty((out_shape), dtype=np.uint32) if im.ndim == 3: for z in range(num[0]): for y in range(num[1]): for x in range(num[2]): chunk = im[z * c1[0]: (z + 1) * c1[0], y * c1[1]: (y + 1) * c1[1], x * c1[2]: (x + 1) * c1[2]] out[z * c2[0]: (z + 1) * c2[0], y * c2[1]: (y + 1) * c2[1], x * c2[2]: (x + 1) * c2[2]] = chunk[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] else: for y in range(num[0]): for x in range(num[1]): chunk = im[y * c1[0]: (y + 1) * c1[0], x * c1[1]: (x + 1) * c1[1]] out[y * c2[0]: (y + 1) * c2[0], x * c2[1]: (x + 1) * c2[1]] = chunk[1:-1, 1:-1] return out def _watershed_stitching(im, chunk_shape): r""" Stitch individual sub-domains of watershed segmentation into one big segmentation with all boundary labels of each sub-domain relabeled to merge boundary regions. Parameters: ----------- im : ndarray A worked image with watershed segmentation performed on all sub-domains individually. chunk_shape: tuple The shape of the sub-domain in which segmentation is performed. Returns ------- output : ndarray Stitched watershed segmentation with all sub-domains merged to form a single watershed segmentation. """ c_shape = np.array(chunk_shape) cuts_num = (np.array(im.shape) / c_shape).astype(np.uint32) for axis, num in enumerate(cuts_num): keys = [] values = [] if num > 1: im = im.swapaxes(0, axis) for i in range(1, num): sl = i * (chunk_shape[axis] + 3) - (i - 1) sl1 = im[sl - 3, ...] sl1_mask = sl1 > 0 sl2 = im[sl - 1, ...] * sl1_mask sl1_labels = sl1.flatten()[sl1.flatten() > 0] sl2_labels = sl2.flatten()[sl2.flatten() > 0] if sl1_labels.size != sl2_labels.size: raise Exception('The selected overlapping thickness is not ' 'suitable for input image. Change ' 'overlapping criteria ' 'or manually input value.') keys.append(sl1_labels) values.append(sl2_labels) im = _replace_labels(array=im, keys=keys, values=values) im = im.swapaxes(axis, 0) im = _trim_internal_slice(im=im, chunk_shape=chunk_shape) im = _resequence_labels(array=im) return im @njit(parallel=True) def _copy(im, output): r""" The function copy the input array and make output array that is allocated in different memory space. This a numba version of copy function of numpy. Because each element is copied using parallel approach this implementation is faster than numpy version of copy. Parameters ---------- array: ndarray Array that needs to be copied. Returns ------- output: ndarray Copied array. """ if im.ndim == 3: for i in prange(im.shape[0]): for j in prange(im.shape[1]): for k in prange(im.shape[2]): output[i, j, k] = im[i, j, k] elif im.ndim == 2: for i in prange(im.shape[0]): for j in prange(im.shape[1]): output[i, j] = im[i, j] else: for i in prange(im.shape[0]): output[i] = im[i] return output @njit(parallel=True) def _replace(array, keys, values, ind_sort): r""" This function replace keys elements in input array with new value elements. This function is used as internal function of replace_relabels. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray Array which requires replacing labels. keys : array_like 1d array containing unique labels that need to be replaced. values : array_like 1d array containing unique values that will be assigned to labels. Returns ------- array : ndarray Array with replaced labels. """ # ind_sort = np.argsort(keys) keys_sorted = keys[ind_sort] values_sorted = values[ind_sort] s_keys = set(keys) for i in prange(array.shape[0]): if array[i] in s_keys: ind = np.searchsorted(keys_sorted, array[i]) array[i] = values_sorted[ind] def _replace_labels(array, keys, values): r""" Replace labels in array provided as keys to values. Parameter: ---------- array : ndarray Array which requires replacing labels keys : 1D-array The unique labels that need to be replaced values : 1D-array The unique values that will be assigned to labels return: ------- array : ndarray Array with replaced labels. """ a_shape = array.shape array = array.flatten() keys = np.concatenate(keys, axis=0) values = np.concatenate(values, axis=0) ind_sort = np.argsort(keys) _replace(array, keys, values, ind_sort) return array.reshape(a_shape) @njit() def _sequence(array, count): r""" Internal function of resequnce_labels method. This function resquence array elements in an ascending order using numba technique which is many folds faster than make contigious funcition. Parameters ---------- array: ndarray 1d array that needs resquencing. count: array_like 1d array of zeros having same size as array. Returns ------- array: 1d-array The input array with elements resequenced in ascending order Notes ----- The output of this function is not same as make_contigous or relabel_sequential function of scikit-image. This function resequence and randomize the regions while other methods only do resequencing and output sorted array. """ a = 1 i = 0 while i < (len(array)): data = array[i] if data != 0: if count[data] == 0: count[data] = a a += 1 array[i] = count[data] i += 1 @njit(parallel=True) def _amax(array): r""" Find largest element in an array using fast parallel numba technique. Parameter: ---------- array: ndarray Array in which largest elements needs to be calcuted. Returns ------- scalar: float or int The largest element value in the input array. """ return np.max(array) def _resequence_labels(array): r""" Resequence the lablels to make them contigious. Parameters ---------- array: ndarray Array that requires resequencing. Returns ------- array : ndarray Resequenced array with same shape as input array. """ a_shape = array.shape array = array.ravel() max_num = _amax(array) + 1 count = np.zeros(max_num, dtype=np.uint32) _sequence(array, count) return array.reshape(a_shape) def _snow_chunked(dt, r_max=5, sigma=0.4): r""" This private version of snow is called during snow_parallel. """ dt2 = spim.gaussian_filter(input=dt, sigma=sigma) peaks = find_peaks(dt=dt2, r_max=r_max) peaks = trim_saddle_points(peaks=peaks, dt=dt) if len(peaks) > 0: peaks = trim_nearby_peaks(peaks=peaks, dt=dt) peaks, N = spim.label(peaks > 0) regions = watershed(image=-dt, markers=peaks) else: regions = np.ones_like(dt2) return regions * (dt > 0)