Source code for porespy.networks._maximal_ball

import logging
import os
import time
import psutil
import subprocess
import numpy as np

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def maximal_ball_wrapper(im, prefix, path_to_exe, voxel_size=1e-6): r""" Implementing a maximal ball algorithm on an image Parameters ---------- im : ndarray The image of the porous material. prefix : string The prefix to append to the filenames (i.e. 'prefix_node1.dat') path_to_exe : string Path to the maximal ball .exe file (pnextract.exe). See Notes voxel_size : scalar The size of a voxel side in preferred units. The default is 1e-6, so the user can apply the scaling to the returned results after the fact. Notes ----- outputs four DAT files: prefix_link1, prefix_link2, prefix_node1, prefix_node2 This function only runs on Windows since the Windows compatible binary is provided by the Imperial College team. """ try: import imageio except ModuleNotFoundError: msg = "The imageio package can be installed with pip install imageio" raise ModuleNotFoundError(msg) file = os.path.splitext(prefix)[0] imageio.volsave(file + ".tif", np.array(im.astype("uint8"))) with open(f"{file}.mhd", "w") as f: f.write("ObjectType = Image\n\ NDims = 3 \n\ ElementType = MET_UCHAR \n\ DimSize = " + str(im.shape[0]) + " " + str(im.shape[1]) + " " + str(im.shape[2]) + "\n\ ElementSpacing =" + str(voxel_size*1e6) + " " + str(voxel_size*1e6) + " " + str(voxel_size*1e6) + "\n\ Offset = 0 0 0 \n\ ElementDataFile = " + file + ".tif") subprocess.Popen([path_to_exe, file + ".mhd"]) time_elapsed = 0 while _is_running('pnextract'):'Maximal ball algorithm running for {time_elapsed} s') time.sleep(10) time_elapsed += 10
def _is_running(process_name): r""" Check if there is any running process that contains the given name. """ for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: # Check if process name contains the given name string. if process_name.lower() in return True except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied): pass return False