Source code for porespy.simulations._drainage

import numpy as np
from edt import edt
from porespy.filters import trim_disconnected_blobs, find_trapped_regions
from porespy.filters import pc_to_satn, satn_to_seq
from porespy import settings
from import _insert_disks_at_points
from import get_tqdm
from import Results
from porespy.metrics import pc_curve
tqdm = get_tqdm()

__all__ = [

[docs] def drainage(im, voxel_size, pc=None, inlets=None, outlets=None, residual=None, bins=25, delta_rho=1000, g=9.81, sigma=0.072, theta=180): r""" Simulate drainage using image-based sphere insertion, optionally including gravity Parameters ---------- im : ndarray The image of the porous media with ``True`` values indicating the void space. voxel_size : float The resolution of the image in meters per voxel edge. pc : ndarray, optional An array containing precomputed capillary pressure values in each voxel. If not provided then the Washburn equation is used with the provided values of ``sigma`` and ``theta``. If the image is 2D only 1 principle radii of curvature is included. inlets : ndarray (default = x0) A boolean image the same shape as ``im``, with ``True`` values indicating the inlet locations. See Notes. If not specified it is assumed that the invading phase enters from the bottom (x=0). outlets : ndarray, optional Similar to ``inlets`` except defining the outlets. This image is used to assess trapping. \If not provided then trapping is ignored, otherwise a mask indicating which voxels were trapped is included amoung the returned data. residual : ndarray, optional A boolean array indicating the locations of any residual defending phase. This is added to the intermediate image prior to trimming disconnected clusters, so will create connections to some clusters that would otherwise be removed. The residual phase is indicated in the final image by ``-np.inf`` values, since there are invaded at all applied capillary pressures. bins : int or array_like (default = 25) The range of pressures to apply. If an integer is given then bins will be created between the lowest and highest pressures in the ``pc``. If a list is given, each value in the list is used directly in order. delta_rho : float (default = 997) The density difference between the invading and defending phases. Note that if air is displacing water this value should be -997 (1-998). g : float (default = 9.81) The gravitational constant prevailing for the simulation. The default is 9.81. If the domain is on an angle, such as a tilted micromodel, this value should be scaled appropriately by the user (i.e. g = 9.81 sin(alpha) where alpha is the angle relative to the horizonal). Setting this value to zeor removes any gravity effects. sigma : float (default = 0.072) The surface tension of the fluid pair. If ``pc`` is provided this is ignored. theta : float (defaut = 180) The contact angle of the sytem in degrees. If ``pc`` is provded this is ignored. Returns ------- results : Results object A dataclass-like object with the following attributes: ========== ============================================================ Attribute Description ========== ============================================================ im_pc A numpy array with each voxel value indicating the capillary pressure at which it was invaded im_satn A numpy array with each voxel value indicating the global saturation value at the point it was invaded pc 1D array of capillary pressure values that were applied swnp 1D array of non-wetting phase saturations for each applied value of capillary pressure (``pc``). ========== ============================================================ Notes ----- - The direction of gravity is always towards the x=0 axis - This algorithm has only been tested for gravity stabilized configurations, meaning the more dense fluid is on the bottom. Be sure that ``inlets`` are specified accordingly. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ im = np.array(im, dtype=bool) dt = edt(im) if pc is None: pc = -(im.ndim-1)*sigma*np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta))/(dt*voxel_size) pc[~im] = 0 # Remove any infs or nans from pc computation # Generate image for correcting entry pressure by gravitational effects h = np.ones_like(im, dtype=bool) h[0, ...] = False h = (edt(h) + 1)*voxel_size # This could be done quicker using clever logic rgh = delta_rho*g*h fn = pc + rgh if inlets is None: inlets = np.zeros_like(im) inlets[0, ...] = True if isinstance(bins, int): # Use values fn for invasion steps vmax = fn[fn < np.inf].max() vmin = fn[im][fn[im] > -np.inf].min() Ps = np.linspace(vmin, vmax*1.1, bins) else: Ps = bins # Initialize empty arrays to accumulate results of each loop inv = np.zeros_like(im, dtype=float) seeds = np.zeros_like(im, dtype=bool) # Deal with any void space trapped behind residual blobs mask = None if (residual is not None) and (outlets is not None): mask = im * (~residual) mask = trim_disconnected_blobs(mask, inlets=inlets) for p in tqdm(Ps, **settings.tqdm): # Find all locations in image invadable at current pressure temp = (fn <= p)*im # Add residual so that fluid is more easily reconnected if residual is not None: temp = temp + residual # Trim locations not connected to the inlets new_seeds = trim_disconnected_blobs(temp, inlets=inlets) # Trim locations not connected to the outlet if mask is not None: new_seeds = new_seeds * mask # Isolate only newly found locations to speed up inserting temp = new_seeds*(~seeds) # Find i,j,k coordinates of new locations coords = np.where(temp) # Add new locations to list of invaded locations seeds += new_seeds # Extract the local size of sphere to insert at each new location radii = dt[coords].astype(int) # Insert spheres are new locations of given radii inv = _insert_disks_at_points(im=inv, coords=np.vstack(coords), radii=radii, v=p, smooth=True) # Set uninvaded voxels to inf inv[(inv == 0)*im] = np.inf # Add residual if given if residual is not None: inv[residual] = -np.inf # Initialize results object results = Results() trapped = None satn = pc_to_satn(pc=inv, im=im) if outlets is not None: seq = satn_to_seq(satn=satn, im=im) trapped = find_trapped_regions(seq=seq, outlets=outlets) trapped[seq == -1] = True inv[trapped] = np.inf if residual is not None: # Re-add residual to inv inv[residual] = -np.inf satn = pc_to_satn(pc=inv, im=im) results.im_satn = satn results.im_pc = inv results.im_trapped = trapped _pccurve = pc_curve(im=im, pc=inv) results.pc = _pccurve.pc results.snwp = _pccurve.snwp return results
if __name__ == "__main__": import numpy as np import porespy as ps import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from copy import copy # %% Run this cell to regenerate the variables in drainage np.random.seed(6) bg = 'white' plots = True im = ps.generators.blobs(shape=[500, 500], porosity=0.7, blobiness=1.5) inlets = np.zeros_like(im) inlets[0, :] = True outlets = np.zeros_like(im) outlets[-1, :] = True pc = None lt = ps.filters.local_thickness(im) residual = lt > 25 bins = 25 voxel_size = 1e-4 sigma = 0.072 theta = 180 delta_rho = 1000 g = 9.81 # %% Run 4 different drainage simulations drn1 = ps.simulations.drainage(im=im, voxel_size=voxel_size, inlets=inlets, delta_rho=delta_rho, g=g) drn2 = ps.simulations.drainage(im=im, voxel_size=voxel_size, inlets=inlets, outlets=outlets, delta_rho=delta_rho, g=g) drn3 = ps.simulations.drainage(im=im, voxel_size=voxel_size, inlets=inlets, residual=residual, delta_rho=delta_rho, g=g) drn4 = ps.simulations.drainage(im=im, voxel_size=voxel_size, inlets=inlets, outlets=outlets, residual=residual, delta_rho=delta_rho, g=g) # %% Visualize the invasion configurations for each scenario if plots: cmap = copy( cmap.set_under(color='black') cmap.set_over(color='grey') fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, facecolor=bg) kw = ps.visualization.prep_for_imshow(drn1.im_pc, im) ax[0][0].imshow(**kw, cmap=cmap) ax[0][0].set_title("No trapping, no residual") kw = ps.visualization.prep_for_imshow(drn2.im_pc, im) ax[0][1].imshow(**kw, cmap=cmap) ax[0][1].set_title("With trapping, no residual") kw = ps.visualization.prep_for_imshow(drn3.im_pc, im) ax[1][0].imshow(**kw, cmap=cmap) ax[1][0].set_title("No trapping, with residual") kw = ps.visualization. prep_for_imshow(drn4.im_pc, im) ax[1][1].imshow(**kw, cmap=cmap) ax[1][1].set_title("With trapping, with residual") # %% Plot the capillary pressure curves for each scenario if plots: plt.figure(facecolor=bg) ax = plt.axes() ax.set_facecolor(bg) plt.step(drn1.pc, drn1.snwp, 'b-o', where='post', label="No trapping, no residual") plt.step(drn2.pc, drn2.snwp, 'r--o', where='post', label="With trapping, no residual") plt.step(drn3.pc, drn3.snwp, 'g--o', where='post', label="No trapping, with residual") plt.step(drn4.pc, drn4.snwp, 'm--o', where='post', label="With trapping, with residual") plt.legend()