Source code for porespy.filters._size_seq_satn

import numpy as np
from import make_contiguous
from scipy.stats import rankdata

__all__ = [

[docs] def size_to_seq(size, im=None, bins=None, mode='drainage'): r""" Converts an image of invasion size values into invasion sequence values Parameters ---------- size : ndarray The image containing invasion size in each voxel. Values of 0 are assumed to be solid (if ``im`` is not given) and values of -1 are assumed to be uninvaded. im : ndarray, optional A binary image of the porous media, with ``True`` indicating the void space and ``False`` indicating the solid phase. If not given then it is assumed that the solid is identified as ``size == 0``. bins : array_like or int (optional) The bins to use when converting sizes to sequence. The default is to create 1 bin for each unique value in ``size`` (except for -1 and 0). If an **int** is supplied, it is interpreted as the number of bins between 1 and the maximum value in ``size``. If an array is supplied it is used as the bins directly. mode : str Controls how the sizes are converted to a sequence. The options are: ============= ============================================================== `mode` Description ============= ============================================================== 'drainage' The sizes are assumed to have been filled from largest to smallest, ignoring 0's and -1's 'imbibition' The sizes are assumed to have been filled from smallest to largest, ignoring 0's and -1's ============= ============================================================== Returns ------- seq : ndarray An ndarray the same shape as ``size`` with invasion size values replaced by the invasion sequence, according to the specified `mode`. Any uninvaded voxels, indicated by -1 in ``size`` will be indicated by -1 in ``seq``. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ if im is None: solid = size == 0 else: solid = im == 0 uninvaded = size == -1 if bins is None: bins = np.unique(size) elif isinstance(bins, int): bins = np.linspace(0, size.max(), bins) vals = np.digitize(size, bins=bins, right=True) if mode.startswith('im'): vals[solid] = 0 vals[uninvaded] = -1 vals = make_contiguous(vals, mode='symmetric') if mode.startswith('dr'): vals = make_contiguous(vals, mode='symmetric') vals = vals.max() + 1 - vals vals[solid] = 0 vals[uninvaded] = -1 return vals
[docs] def size_to_satn(size, im=None, bins=None, mode='drainage'): r""" Converts an image of invasion size values into non-wetting phase saturations. Parameters ---------- size : ndarray The image containing invasion size values in each voxel. Solid should be indicated as 0's and uninvaded voxels as -1. im : ndarray, optional A binary image of the porous media, with ``True`` indicating the void space and ``False`` indicating the solid phase. If not given then it is assumed that the solid is identified as ``size == 0``. bins : array_like or int (optional) The bins to use when converting sizes to saturation. The default is to create 1 bin for each unique value in ``size``. If an **int** is supplied it is interpreted as the number of bins between 0 and the maximum value in ``size``. If an array is supplied it is used as the bins directly. mode : str Controls how the sizes are converted to saturations. The options are: ============= ============================================================== `mode` Description ============= ============================================================== 'drainage' The sizes are assumed to have been filled from largest to smallest, ignoring 0's and -1's 'imbibition' The sizes are assumed to have been filled from smallest to largest, ignoring 0's and -1's ============= ============================================================== Returns ------- satn : ndarray An ndarray the same shape as ``size`` but with size values replaced by the fraction of void space invaded at each size, according to the specified `mode`. Solid voxels and uninvaded voxels are represented by 0 and -1, respectively. Notes ----- If any ``-1`` values are present in `size` the maximum saturation will be less than 1.0 since this means that not all wetting phase was displaced. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ if bins is None: bins = np.unique(size[size > 0]) elif isinstance(bins, int): bins = np.linspace(0, size.max(), bins) if im is None: im = ~(size == 0) void_vol = im.sum() satn = -np.ones_like(size, dtype=float) if mode.startswith('im'): for r in bins: hits = (size <= r) * (size > 0) temp = hits.sum()/void_vol satn[hits * (satn == -1)] = temp elif mode.startswith('dr'): for r in bins[-1::-1]: hits = (size >= r) * (size > 0) temp = hits.sum()/void_vol satn[hits * (satn == -1)] = temp satn *= (im > 0) return satn
[docs] def seq_to_satn(seq, im=None, mode='drainage'): r""" Converts an image of invasion sequence values to non-wetting phase saturation values. Parameters ---------- seq : ndarray The image containing invasion sequence values in each voxel. Solid should be indicated as 0's and uninvaded voxels as -1. im : ndarray, optional A binary image of the porous media, with ``True`` indicating the void space and ``False`` indicating the solid phase. If not given then it is assumed that the solid is identified as ``seq == 0``. mode : str Controls how the sequences are converted to saturations. The options are: ============= ============================================================== `mode` Description ============= ============================================================== 'drainage' The saturation is assumed to increase with increasing sequence 'imbibition' The saturation is assumed to decrease with increasing sequence ============= ============================================================== Returns ------- satn : ndarray An ndarray the same shape as ``seq`` but with sequence values replaced by the fraction of void space invaded at the sequence number, accounting for the specified `mode`. Solid voxels and uninvaded voxels are represented by 0 and -1, respectively. Notes ----- If any ``-1`` values are present in `seq` the maximum saturation will be less than 1.0 since this means that not all wetting phase was displaced. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ seq = np.copy(seq).astype(int) if im is None: solid_mask = seq == 0 else: solid_mask = im == 0 uninvaded_mask = seq == -1 # Store uninvaded locations seq[seq <= 0] = 0 # Set uninvaded to solid for next steps if mode.startswith('im'): seq = seq.max() - seq + 1 seq[solid_mask] = 0 seq[uninvaded_mask] = 0 seq = rankdata(seq, method='dense') - 1 b = np.bincount(seq) if (solid_mask.sum(dtype=np.int64) > 0) or \ (uninvaded_mask.sum(dtype=np.int64) > 0): b[0] = 0 c = np.cumsum(b) seq = np.reshape(seq, solid_mask.shape) satn = c[seq]/(seq.size - solid_mask.sum(dtype=np.int64)) satn[solid_mask] = 0 satn[uninvaded_mask] = -1 return satn
def pc_to_seq(pc, im, mode='drainage'): r""" Converts an image of capillary entry pressures to invasion sequence values Parameters ---------- pc : ndarray A Numpy array with the value in each voxel indicating the capillary pressure at which it was invaded. In order to accommodate the possibility of both positive and negative capillary pressure values, uninvaded voxels should be indicated by ``+inf`` and residual phase by ``-inf``. Solid vs void phase is defined by ``im`` which is mandatory. im : ndarray A Numpy array with ``True`` values indicating the void space mode : str Controls how the pressures are converted to sequence. The options are: ============= ============================================================== `mode` Description ============= ============================================================== 'drainage' The pressures are assumed to have been filled from smallest to largest. Voxels with -np.inf are treated as though they are invaded by non-wetting fluid at the start of the process, and voxels with +np.inf are treated as though they are never invaded. 'imbibition' The pressures are assumed to have been filled from largest to smallest. Voxels with -np.inf are treated as though they are already occupied by non-wetting fluid at the start of the process, and voxels with +np.inf are treated as though they are filled with wetting phase. ============= ============================================================== Returns ------- seq : ndarray A Numpy array the same shape as `pc`, with each voxel value indicating the sequence at which it was invaded, according to the specified `mode`. Uninvaded voxels are set to -1. Notes ----- Voxels with `+inf` are treated as though they were never invaded so are given a sequence value of -1. Voxels with `-inf` are treated as though they were invaded by non-wetting phase at the start of the simulation so are given a sequence number of 1 for both mode `drainage` and `imbibition`. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ inf = pc == np.inf # save for later if mode == 'drainage': bins = np.unique(pc) elif mode == 'imbibition': pc[pc == -np.inf] = np.inf bins = np.unique(pc)[-1::-1] a = np.digitize(pc, bins=bins) a[~im] = 0 a[np.where(inf)] = -1 a = make_contiguous(a, mode='symmetric') return a
[docs] def pc_to_satn(pc, im, mode='drainage'): r""" Converts an image of capillary entry pressures to saturation values Parameters ---------- pc : ndarray A Numpy array with the value in each voxel indicating the capillary pressure at which it was invaded. In order to accommodate the possibility of both positive and negative capillary pressure values, uninvaded voxels should be indicated by ``+inf`` and residual phase by ``-inf``. Solid vs void phase is defined by ``im`` which is mandatory. im : ndarray A Numpy array with ``True`` values indicating the void space mode : str Controls how the pressures are converted to sequence. The options are: ============= ============================================================== `mode` Description ============= ============================================================== 'drainage' The pressures are assumed to have been filled from smallest to largest. 'imbibition' The pressures are assumed to have been filled from largest to smallest ============= ============================================================== Returns ------- satn : ndarray A Numpy array the same shape as `pc`, with each voxel value indicating the global saturation at which it was invaded, according to the specified `mode`. Voxels with `-inf` are treated as though they were invaded at the start of the simulation so are given a sequence number of 1 for both mode `drainage` and `imbibition`. Notes ----- If any ``+inf`` values are present the maximum saturation will be less than 1.0 since not all wetting phase was displaced. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ a = np.digitize(pc, bins=np.unique(pc)) a[~im] = 0 a[np.where(pc == np.inf)] = -1 satn = seq_to_satn(seq=a, im=im, mode=mode) return satn
[docs] def satn_to_seq(satn, im=None, mode='drainage'): r""" Converts an image of nonwetting phase saturations to invasion sequence values Parameters ---------- satn : ndarray A Numpy array with the value in each voxel indicating the global saturation at the point it was invaded. -1 indicates a voxel that not invaded, and 0 indicates solid phase. im : ndarray A Numpy array with ``True`` values indicating the void space. mode : str Controls how the saturations are converted to sequence. The options are: ============= ============================================================== `mode` Description ============= ============================================================== 'drainage' The pressures are assumed to have been filled from smallest to largest, ignoring 0's and -1's 'imbibition' The sizes are assumed to have been filled from largest to smallest, ignoring 0's and -1's ============= ============================================================== Returns ------- seq : ndarray A Numpy array the same shape as `satn` with each voxel value indicating the sequence in which it was invaded, according to the specified `mode`. Solid voxels are indicated by 0 and uninvaded by -1. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ if im is None: im = satn > 0 uninvaded = satn == -1 values = np.unique(satn) seq = np.digitize(satn, bins=values) # Set uninvaded by to -1 seq[satn == -1] = -1 # Set solids back to 0 seq[~im] = 0 # Ensure values are contiguous while keeping -1 and 0 seq = make_contiguous(im=seq, mode='symmetric') if mode.startswith('im'): seq = (seq.max() + 1) - seq seq[~im] = 0 seq[uninvaded] = -1 return seq