import logging
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import scipy.ndimage as spim
import scipy.spatial as sptl
import scipy.stats as spst
from skimage.morphology import skeletonize
from numba import njit
from scipy import fft as sp_ft
from skimage.measure import regionprops
from porespy import settings
from porespy.filters import (
from import (
from pyedt import edt
except ModuleNotFoundError:
from edt import edt
__all__ = [
tqdm = get_tqdm()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def boxcount(im, bins=10):
Calculates the fractal dimension of an image using the tiled box counting
method [1]_
im : ndarray
A boolean image of the porous material with `True` values indicating the
phase of interest.
bins : int or array_like, optional
The number of box sizes to use. The default is 10 sizes logarithmically
spaced between 1 and ``min(im.shape)``. If an array is provided, this is
used directly.
results : dataclass-like
An object possessing the following attributes:
========== =================================================================
Attribute Description
========== =================================================================
size An array containing the specific box sizes used
count An array containing the number of boxes of each size that
contain both solid and void
slope The gradient of ``count``. This has the same number of elements
as ``count``.
========== =================================================================
.. [1] See Boxcounting on `Wikipedia
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im = np.array(im, dtype=bool)
if (len(im.shape) != 2 and len(im.shape) != 3):
raise Exception('Image must be 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional')
if isinstance(bins, int):
Ds = np.unique(np.logspace(1, np.log10(min(im.shape)), bins).astype(int))
Ds = np.array(bins).astype(int)
N = []
for d in tqdm(Ds, **settings.tqdm):
result = 0
for i in range(0, im.shape[0], d):
for j in range(0, im.shape[1], d):
if len(im.shape) == 2:
temp = im[i:i+d, j:j+d]
result += np.any(temp)
result -= np.all(temp)
for k in range(0, im.shape[2], d):
temp = im[i:i+d, j:j+d, k:k+d]
result += np.any(temp)
result -= np.all(temp)
slope = -1*np.gradient(np.log(np.array(N)), np.log(Ds))
data = Results()
data.size = Ds
data.count = N
data.slope = slope
return data
def representative_elementary_volume(im, npoints=1000):
Calculates the porosity of an image as a function subdomain size.
This function extracts a specified number of subdomains of random size,
then finds their porosity.
im : ndarray
The image of the porous material
npoints : int
The number of randomly located and sized boxes to sample. The default
is 1000.
result : Results object
A custom object with the following data added as named attributes:
========== ==================================================================
Attribute Description
========== ==================================================================
volume The total volume of each cubic subdomain tested
porosity The porosity of each subdomain tested
========== ==================================================================
These attributes can be conveniently plotted by passing the Results
object to matplotlib's ``plot`` function using the
\* notation: ``plt.plot(\*result, 'b.')``. The resulting plot is
similar to the sketch given by Bachmat and Bear [1]_
This function is frustratingly slow. Profiling indicates that all the time
is spent on scipy's ``sum`` function which is needed to sum the number of
void voxels (1's) in each subdomain.
.. [1] Bachmat and Bear. On the Concept and Size of a Representative
Elementary Volume (Rev), Advances in Transport Phenomena in Porous Media
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to view online example.
# TODO: this function is a prime target for parallelization since the
# ``npoints`` are calculated independenlty.
im_temp = np.zeros_like(im)
crds = np.array(np.random.rand(npoints, im.ndim) * im.shape, dtype=int)
pads = np.array(np.random.rand(npoints) * np.amin(im.shape) / 2 + 10, dtype=int)
im_temp[tuple(crds.T)] = True
labels, N = spim.label(input=im_temp)
slices = spim.find_objects(input=labels)
porosity = np.zeros(shape=(N,), dtype=float)
volume = np.zeros(shape=(N,), dtype=int)
for i in tqdm(np.arange(0, N), **settings.tqdm):
s = slices[i]
p = pads[i]
new_s = extend_slice(s, shape=im.shape, pad=p)
temp = im[new_s]
Vp = np.sum(temp, dtype=np.int64)
Vt = np.size(temp)
porosity[i] = Vp / Vt
volume[i] = Vt
profile = Results()
profile.volume = volume
profile.porosity = porosity
return profile
def porosity(im):
Calculates the porosity of an image assuming 1's are void space and 0's
are solid phase.
All other values are ignored, so this can also return the relative
fraction of a phase of interest in multiphase images.
im : ndarray
Image of the void space with 1's indicating void phase (or ``True``)
and 0's indicating the solid phase (or ``False``). All other values
are ignored (see Notes).
porosity : float
Calculated as the sum of all 1's divided by the sum of all 1's and 0's.
See Also
This function assumes void is represented by 1 and solid by 0, and all
other values are ignored. This is useful, for example, for images of
cylindrical cores, where all voxels outside the core are labelled with 2.
Alternatively, images can be processed with ``find_disconnected_voxels``
to get an image of only blind pores. This can then be added to the orignal
image such that blind pores have a value of 2, thus allowing the
calculation of accessible porosity, rather than overall porosity.
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im = np.array(im, dtype=np.int64)
Vp = np.sum(im == 1, dtype=np.int64)
Vs = np.sum(im == 0, dtype=np.int64)
e = Vp / (Vs + Vp)
return e
def porosity_profile(im, axis=0):
Computes the porosity profile along the specified axis
im : ndarray
The volumetric image for which to calculate the porosity profile. All
voxels with a value of 1 (or ``True``) are considered as void.
axis : int
The axis (0, 1, or 2) along which to calculate the profile. For
instance, if `axis` is 0, then the porosity in each YZ plane is
calculated and returned as 1D array with 1 value for each X position.
result : 1D-array
A 1D-array of porosity along the specified axis
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if axis >= im.ndim:
raise Exception('axis out of range')
im = np.atleast_3d(im)
a = set(range(im.ndim)).difference(set([axis]))
a1, a2 = a
tmp = np.sum(np.sum(im == 1, axis=a2, dtype=np.int64), axis=a1, dtype=np.int64)
prof = tmp / (im.shape[a2] * im.shape[a1])
return prof
def radial_density_distribution(dt, bins=10, log=False, voxel_size=1):
Computes radial density function by analyzing the histogram of voxel
values in the distance transform. This function is defined by
Torquato [1]_ as:
.. math::
\int_0^\infty P(r)dr = 1.0
where *P(r)dr* is the probability of finding a voxel at a lying at a radial
distance between *r* and *dr* from the solid interface. This is equivalent
to a probability density function (*pdf*)
The cumulative distribution is defined as:
.. math::
F(r) = \int_r^\infty P(r)dr
which gives the fraction of pore-space with a radius larger than *r*. This
is equivalent to the cumulative distribution function (*cdf*).
dt : ndarray
A distance transform of the pore space. Note that it is recommended to apply
``find_dt_artifacts`` to this image first, and set potentially
erroneous values to 0 with ``dt[mask] = 0`` where
``mask = porespy.filters.find_dt_artifaces(dt)``.
bins : int or array_like
This number of bins (if int) or the location of the bins (if array).
This argument is passed directly to Scipy's ``histogram`` function so
see that docstring for more information. The default is 10 bins, which
reduces produces a relatively smooth distribution.
log : boolean
If ``True`` the size data is converted to log (base-10)
values before processing. This can help to plot wide size
distributions or to better visualize the radii in the small size region.
Note that you should not anti-log the radii values in the retunred
``tuple``, since the binning is performed on the logged radii values.
voxel_size : scalar
The size of a voxel side in preferred units. The default is 1, so the
user can apply the scaling to the returned results after the fact.
result : Results object
A custom object with the following data added as named attributes:
============== =======================================================
Attribute Description
============== =======================================================
*R* or *LogR* Radius, equivalent to ``bin_centers``
*pdf* Probability density function
*cdf* Cumulative density function
*bin_centers* The center point of each bin
*bin_edges* Locations of bin divisions, including 1 more value than
the number of bins
*bin_widths* Useful for passing to the ``width`` argument of
============== =======================================================
Torquato refers to this as the *pore-size density function*, and mentions
that it is also known as the *pore-size distribution function*. These
terms are avoided here since they have specific connotations in porous
media analysis.
.. [1] Torquato, S. Random Heterogeneous Materials: Mircostructure and
Macroscopic Properties. Springer, New York (2002) - See page 48 & 292
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im = np.copy(dt)
x = im[im > 0].flatten()
if log:
x = np.log10(x)
h = np.histogram(x, bins=bins, density=True)
h = _parse_histogram(h=h, voxel_size=voxel_size)
rdf = Results()
rdf[f"{log*'Log' + 'R'}"] = h.bin_centers
rdf.pdf = h.pdf
rdf.cdf = h.cdf
rdf.relfreq = h.relfreq
rdf.bin_centers = h.bin_centers
rdf.bin_edges = h.bin_edges
rdf.bin_widths = h.bin_widths
return rdf
def lineal_path_distribution(im, bins=10, voxel_size=1, log=False):
Determines the probability that a point lies within a certain distance
of the opposite phase *along a specified direction*
This relates directly the radial density function defined by Torquato [1],
but instead of reporting the probability of lying within a stated distance
to the nearest solid in any direciton, it considers only linear distances
along orthogonal directions.The benefit of this is that anisotropy can be
detected in materials by performing the analysis in multiple orthogonal
im : ndarray
An image with each voxel containing the distance to the nearest solid
along a linear path, as produced by ``distance_transform_lin``.
bins : int or array_like
The number of bins or a list of specific bins to use
voxel_size : scalar
The side length of a voxel. This is used to scale the chord lengths
into real units. Note this is applied *after* the binning, so
``bins``, if supplied, should be in terms of voxels, not length units.
log : boolean
If ``True`` (default) the size data is converted to log (base-10)
values before processing. This can help to plot wide size
distributions or to better visualize data in the small size region.
Note that you should not anti-log the radii values in the retunred
``results``, since the binning is performed on the logged radii values.
result : Results object
A custom object with the following data added as named attributes:
=============== =============================================================
Description Attribute
=============== =============================================================
*L* or *LogL* Length, equivalent to ``bin_centers``
*pdf* Probability density function
*cdf* Cumulative density function
*relfreq* Relative frequency chords in each bin. The sum of all bin
heights is 1.0. For the cumulative relativce, use *cdf*
which is already normalized to 1.
*bin_centers* The center point of each bin
*bin_edges* Locations of bin divisions, including 1 more value than
the number of bins
*bin_widths* Useful for passing to the ``width`` argument of
=============== =============================================================
[1] Torquato, S. Random Heterogeneous Materials: Mircostructure and
Macroscopic Properties. Springer, New York (2002)
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to view online example.
x = im[im > 0]
if log:
x = np.log10(x)
h = list(np.histogram(x, bins=bins, density=True))
h = _parse_histogram(h=h, voxel_size=voxel_size)
cld = Results()
cld[f"{log*'Log' + 'L'}"] = h.bin_centers
cld.pdf = h.pdf
cld.cdf = h.cdf
cld.relfreq = h.relfreq
cld.bin_centers = h.bin_centers
cld.bin_edges = h.bin_edges
cld.bin_widths = h.bin_widths
return cld
def chord_length_distribution(im, bins=10, log=False, voxel_size=1,
Determines the distribution of chord lengths in an image containing chords.
im : ndarray
An image with chords drawn in the pore space, as produced by
``apply_chords`` or ``apply_chords_3d``. ``im`` can be either boolean,
in which case each chord will be identified using ``scipy.ndimage.label``,
or numerical values in case it is assumed that chords have already been
identifed and labeled. In both cases, the size of each chord will be
computed as the number of voxels belonging to each labelled region.
bins : scalar or array_like
If a scalar is given it is interpreted as the number of bins to use,
and if an array is given they are used as the bins directly.
log : boolean
If ``True`` (default) the size data is converted to log (base-10)
values before processing. This can help to plot wide size
distributions or to better visualize the in the small size region.
Note that you should not anti-log the radii values in the retunred
``tuple``, since the binning is performed on the logged radii values.
normalization : string
Indicates how to normalize the bin heights. Options are:
*'count' or 'number'*
(default) This simply counts the number of chords in each bin in
the normal sense of a histogram. This is the rigorous definition
according to Torquato [1].
This multiplies the number of chords in each bin by the
chord length (i.e. bin size). The normalization scheme accounts for
the fact that long chords are less frequent than shorert chords,
thus giving a more balanced distribution.
voxel_size : scalar
The size of a voxel side in preferred units. The default is 1, so the
user can apply the scaling to the returned results after the fact.
result : Results object
A custom object with the following data added as named attributes:
=============== =============================================================
Attribute Description
=============== =============================================================
*L* or *LogL* Chord length, equivalent to ``bin_centers``
*pdf* Probability density function
*cdf* Cumulative density function
*relfreq* Relative frequency chords in each bin. The sum of all bin
heights is 1.0. For the cumulative relativce, use *cdf*
which is already normalized to 1.
*bin_centers* The center point of each bin
*bin_edges* Locations of bin divisions, including 1 more value than
the number of bins
*bin_widths* Useful for passing to the ``width`` argument of
=============== =============================================================
[1] Torquato, S. Random Heterogeneous Materials: Mircostructure and
Macroscopic Properties. Springer, New York (2002) - See page 45 & 292
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to view online example.
x = chord_counts(im)
if bins is None:
bins = np.array(range(0, x.max() + 2)) * voxel_size
x = x * voxel_size
if log:
x = np.log10(x)
if normalization == 'length':
h = list(np.histogram(x, bins=bins, density=False))
# Scale bin heigths by length
h[0] = h[0] * (h[1][1:] + h[1][:-1]) / 2
# Normalize h[0] manually
h[0] = h[0] / h[0].sum(dtype=np.int64) / (h[1][1:] - h[1][:-1])
elif normalization in ['number', 'count']:
h = np.histogram(x, bins=bins, density=True)
raise Exception('Unsupported normalization:', normalization)
h = _parse_histogram(h)
cld = Results()
cld[f"{log*'Log' + 'L'}"] = h.bin_centers
cld.pdf = h.pdf
cld.cdf = h.cdf
cld.relfreq = h.relfreq
cld.bin_centers = h.bin_centers
cld.bin_edges = h.bin_edges
cld.bin_widths = h.bin_widths
return cld
def pore_size_distribution(im, bins=10, log=True, voxel_size=1):
Calculate a pore-size distribution based on the image produced by the
``porosimetry`` or ``local_thickness`` functions.
im : ndarray
The array of containing the sizes of the largest sphere that overlaps
each voxel. Obtained from either ``porosimetry`` or
bins : scalar or array_like
Either an array of bin sizes to use, or the number of bins that should
be automatically generated that span the data range.
log : boolean
If ``True`` (default) the size data is converted to log (base-10)
values before processing. This can help to plot wide size
distributions or to better visualize the in the small size region.
Note that you should not anti-log the radii values in the retunred
``tuple``, since the binning is performed on the logged radii values.
voxel_size : scalar
The size of a voxel side in preferred units. The default is 1, so the
user can apply the scaling to the returned results after the fact.
result : Results object
A custom object with the following data added as named attributes:
=============== =============================================================
Attribute Description
=============== =============================================================
*R* or *logR* Radius, equivalent to ``bin_centers``
*pdf* Probability density function
*cdf* Cumulative density function
*satn* Phase saturation in differential form. For the cumulative
saturation, just use *cfd* which is already normalized to 1.
*bin_centers* The center point of each bin
*bin_edges* Locations of bin divisions, including 1 more value than
the number of bins
*bin_widths* Useful for passing to the ``width`` argument of
=============== =============================================================
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to view online example.
im = im.flatten()
vals = im[im > 0] * voxel_size
if log:
vals = np.log10(vals)
h = _parse_histogram(np.histogram(vals, bins=bins, density=True))
cld = Results()
cld[f"{log*'Log' + 'R'}"] = h.bin_centers
cld.pdf = h.pdf
cld.cdf = h.cdf
cld.satn = h.relfreq
cld.bin_centers = h.bin_centers
cld.bin_edges = h.bin_edges
cld.bin_widths = h.bin_widths
return cld
def two_point_correlation_bf(im, spacing=10):
Calculates the two-point correlation function using brute-force (see Notes)
im : ndarray
The image of the void space on which the 2-point correlation is
spacing : int
The space between points on the regular grid that is used to
generate the correlation (see Notes).
result : Results object
A custom object with the following data added as named attributes:
The distance between two points. The distance values are binned
$$ bins = range(start=0, stop=np.amin(im.shape)/2, stride=spacing) $$
The probability that two points of the stated separation distance
are within the same phase
The brute-force approach means overlaying a grid of equally spaced points
onto the image, calculating the distance between each and every pair of
points, then counting the instances where both pairs lie in the void space.
This approach uses a distance matrix so can consume memory very quickly for
large 3D images and/or close spacing. It is recommended to avoid this.
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if im.ndim == 2:
pts = np.meshgrid(range(0, im.shape[0], spacing),
range(0, im.shape[1], spacing))
crds = np.vstack([pts[0].flatten(),
elif im.ndim == 3:
pts = np.meshgrid(range(0, im.shape[0], spacing),
range(0, im.shape[1], spacing),
range(0, im.shape[2], spacing))
crds = np.vstack([pts[0].flatten(),
dmat = sptl.distance.cdist(XA=crds, XB=crds)
hits = im[tuple(pts)].flatten()
dmat = dmat[hits, :]
h1 = np.histogram(dmat, bins=range(0, int(np.amin(im.shape) / 2), spacing))
dmat = dmat[:, hits]
h2 = np.histogram(dmat, bins=h1[1])
tpcf = Results()
tpcf.distance = h2[1][:-1]
tpcf.probability = h2[0] / h1[0]
return tpcf
def _radial_profile(autocorr, bins, pf=None, voxel_size=1):
Helper functions to calculate the radial profile of the autocorrelation
Masks the image in radial segments from the center and averages the values
The distance values are normalized and 100 bins are used as default.
autocorr : ndarray
The image of autocorrelation produced by FFT
r_max : int or float
The maximum radius in pixels to sum the image over
bins : ndarray
The edges of the bins to use in summing the radii, ** must be in voxels
pf : float
the phase fraction (porosity) of the image, used for scaling the
normalized autocorrelation down to match the two-point correlation
definition as given by Torquato
voxel_size : scalar
The size of a voxel side in preferred units. The default is 1, so the
user can apply the scaling to the returned results after the fact.
result : tpcf
if len(autocorr.shape) == 2:
adj = np.reshape(autocorr.shape, [2, 1, 1])
# use np.round otherwise with odd image sizes, the mask generated can
# be zero, resulting in Div/0 error
inds = np.indices(autocorr.shape) - np.round(adj / 2)
dt = np.sqrt(inds[0]**2 + inds[1]**2)
elif len(autocorr.shape) == 3:
adj = np.reshape(autocorr.shape, [3, 1, 1, 1])
# use np.round otherwise with odd image sizes, the mask generated can
# be zero, resulting in Div/0 error
inds = np.indices(autocorr.shape) - np.round(adj / 2)
dt = np.sqrt(inds[0]**2 + inds[1]**2 + inds[2]**2)
raise Exception('Image dimensions must be 2 or 3')
if np.max(bins) > np.max(dt):
msg = (
'Bins specified distances exceeding maximum radial distance for'
' image size. Radial distance cannot exceed distance from center'
' of image to corner.'
raise Exception(msg)
bin_size = bins[1:] - bins[:-1]
radial_sum = _get_radial_sum(dt, bins, bin_size, autocorr)
# Return normalized bin and radially summed autoc
norm_autoc_radial = radial_sum / np.max(autocorr)
h = [norm_autoc_radial, bins]
h = _parse_histogram(h, voxel_size=1)
tpcf = Results()
tpcf.distance = h.bin_centers * voxel_size
tpcf.bin_centers = h.bin_centers * voxel_size
tpcf.bin_edges = h.bin_edges * voxel_size
tpcf.bin_widths = h.bin_widths * voxel_size
tpcf.probability = norm_autoc_radial
tpcf.probability_scaled = norm_autoc_radial * pf
tpcf.pdf = h.pdf * pf
tpcf.relfreq = h.relfreq
return tpcf
@njit(parallel=False) # pragma: no cover
def _get_radial_sum(dt, bins, bin_size, autocorr):
radial_sum = np.zeros_like(bins[:-1], dtype=np.float64)
for i, r in enumerate(bins[:-1]):
mask = (dt <= r) * (dt > (r - bin_size[i]))
radial_sum[i] = (np.sum(np.ravel(autocorr)[np.ravel(mask)], dtype=np.int64) /
np.sum(mask, dtype=np.int64))
return radial_sum
def two_point_correlation(im, voxel_size=1, bins=100):
Calculate the two-point correlation function using Fourier transforms
im : ndarray
The image of the void space on which the 2-point correlation is
desired, in which the phase of interest is labelled as True
voxel_size : scalar
The size of a voxel side in preferred units. The default is 1, so
the user can apply the scaling to the returned results after the
bins : scalar or array_like
Either an array of bin sizes to use, or the number of bins that
should be automatically generated that span the data range. The
maximum value of the bins, if passed as an array, cannot exceed
the distance from the center of the image to the corner.
result : tpcf
A dataclass-like object with following named attributes:
=========================== =================================================
Attribute Description
=========================== =================================================
*distance* The distance between two points, equivalent to
*bin_centers* The center point of each bin. See distance
*bin_edges* Locations of bin divisions, including 1 more
value than the number of bins
*bin_widths* Useful for passing to the ``width`` argument of
*probability_normalized* The probability that two points of the stated
separation distance are within the same phase
normalized to 1 at r = 0
*probability* The probability that two points of the stated
separation distance are within the same phase
scaled to the phase fraction at r = 0
*pdf* Same as probability
=========================== =================================================
The fourier transform approach utilizes the fact that the
autocorrelation function is the inverse FT of the power spectrum
density. For background read the Scipy fftpack docs and for a good
explanation `see this thesis
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# Get the number of CPUs available to parallel process Fourier transforms
cpus = settings.ncores
# Get the phase fraction of the image
pf = porosity(im)
if isinstance(bins, int):
# Calculate half lengths of the image
r_max = (np.ceil(np.min(np.shape(im))) / 2).astype(int)
# Get the bin-size - ensures it will be at least 1
bin_size = int(np.ceil(r_max / bins))
# Calculate the bin divisions, equivalent to bin_edges
bins = np.arange(0, r_max + bin_size, bin_size)
# set the number of parallel processors to use:
with sp_ft.set_workers(cpus):
# Fourier Transform and shift image
F = sp_ft.ifftshift(sp_ft.rfftn(sp_ft.fftshift(im)))
# Compute Power Spectrum
P = np.absolute(F**2)
# Auto-correlation is inverse of Power Spectrum
autoc = np.absolute(sp_ft.ifftshift(sp_ft.irfftn(sp_ft.fftshift(P))))
tpcf = _radial_profile(autoc, bins, pf=pf, voxel_size=voxel_size)
return tpcf
def _parse_histogram(h, voxel_size=1, density=True):
delta_x = h[1]
P = h[0]
bin_widths = delta_x[1:] - delta_x[:-1]
temp = P * (bin_widths)
C = np.cumsum(temp[-1::-1])[-1::-1]
S = P * (bin_widths)
if not density:
P /= np.max(P)
temp_sum = np.sum(P * bin_widths)
C /= temp_sum
S /= temp_sum
bin_edges = delta_x * voxel_size
bin_widths = (bin_widths) * voxel_size
bin_centers = ((delta_x[1:] + delta_x[:-1]) / 2) * voxel_size
hist = Results()
hist.pdf = P
hist.cdf = C
hist.relfreq = S
hist.bin_centers = bin_centers
hist.bin_edges = bin_edges
hist.bin_widths = bin_widths
return hist
def chord_counts(im):
Find the length of each chord in the supplied image
im : ndarray
An image containing chords drawn in the void space.
result : 1D-array
A 1D array with one element for each chord, containing its length.
The returned array can be passed to ``plt.hist`` to plot the histogram,
or to ``np.histogram`` to get the histogram data directly. Another useful
function is ``np.bincount`` which gives the number of chords of each
length in a format suitable for ``plt.plot``.
`Click here
to view online example.
labels, N = spim.label(im > 0)
props = regionprops(labels)
chord_lens = np.array([i.filled_area for i in props], dtype=int)
return chord_lens
def phase_fraction(im, normed=True):
Calculate the fraction of each phase in an image
im : ndarray
An ndarray containing integer values
normed : boolean
If ``True`` (default) the returned values are normalized by the total
number of voxels in image, otherwise the voxel count of each phase is
result : 1D-array
A array of length max(im) with each element containing the number of
voxels found with the corresponding label.
See Also
`Click here
to view online example.
if im.dtype == bool:
im = im.astype(int)
labels = np.unique(im)
results = {}
for label in labels:
results[label] = np.sum(im == label, dtype=np.int64) * \
(1 / im.size if normed else 1)
return results
def pc_curve(im, pc, seq=None):
Produces a Pc-Snwp curve given a map of meniscus radii or capillary
pressures at which each voxel was invaded
im : ndarray
The voxel image of the porous media with ``True`` values indicating
the void space
pc : ndarray
An image containing the capillary pressures at which each voxel was
invaded during an invasion experiment. This image can be produced
using `size_to_pc` if not available.
seq : ndarray, optional
An image containing invasion sequence values, such as that returned
from the ``ibip`` function. The curve is generated by scanning from
lowest to highest values and computing the corresponding saturation.
pc_curve : Results object
A custom object with the following data added as named attributes:
================== ===================================================
Attribute Description
================== ===================================================
pc The capillary pressure, either as given in
``pc`` or computed from ``sizes`` (see
snwp The fraction of void space filled by non-wetting
phase at each pressure in ``pc``
================== ===================================================
`Click here
to view online example.
tqdm = get_tqdm()
Ps = np.unique(pc[im])
# Utilize the fact that -inf and +inf will be at locations 0 & -1 in Ps
if Ps[-1] == np.inf:
Ps[-1] = Ps[-2]*2
if Ps[0] == -np.inf:
Ps[0] = Ps[1] - np.abs(Ps[1]/2)
# Add a point at begining to ensure curve starts a 0, if no residual
Ps = np.hstack((Ps[0] - np.abs(Ps[0]/2), Ps))
y = []
Vp = im.sum(dtype=np.int64)
temp = pc[im]
for p in tqdm(Ps, **settings.tqdm):
y.append((temp <= p).sum(dtype=np.int64)/Vp)
pc_curve = Results()
pc_curve.pc = Ps
pc_curve.snwp = np.array(y)
return pc_curve
def pc_map_to_pc_curve(pc, im, seq=None, mode='drainage', pc_min=None, pc_max=None):
Converts a pc map into a capillary pressure curve
pc : ndarray
A numpy array with each voxel containing the capillary pressure at which
it was invaded. `-inf` indicates voxels which are filled with non-wetting
fluid at all pressures, and `+inf` indicates voxels that are filled by
wetting fluid at all pressures. Values in the solid phase are masked by
`im` so are ignored.
im : ndarray
A numpy array with `True` values indicating the void space and `False`
elsewhere. This is necessary to define the total void volume of the domain
when computing the saturation.
seq : ndarray, optional
A numpy array with each voxel containing the sequence at which it was
invaded. This is required when analyzing results from invasion percolation
since the pressures in `pc` do not correspond to the sequence in which
they were filled.
mode : str
Indicates whether the invasion was a drainage or an imbibition process.
Options are 'drainage' and 'imbibition'.
results : dataclass-like
A dataclass like object with the following attributes:
================== =========================================================
Attribute Description
================== =========================================================
pc The capillary pressure
snwp The fraction of void space filled by non-wetting
phase at each pressure in ``pc``
================== =========================================================
To use this function with the results of `porosimetry` or `ibip` the sizes map
must be converted to a capillary pressure map first. `drainage` and `invasion`
both return capillary pressure maps which can be passed directly as `pc`.
pc = np.copy(pc)
if seq is None:
seq = pc_to_seq(im=im, pc=pc, mode=mode)
# Or stand alone code
# if mode.startswith('dr'):
# seq = np.digitize(x=pc.flatten(), bins=np.unique(pc[im]))
# elif mode.startswith('imb'):
# seq = np.digitize(x=pc.flatten(), bins=np.flip(np.unique(pc)))
# seq = np.reshape(seq, im.shape)
if mode.startswith('dr'):
seq = seq.astype(float)
seq[seq == -1] = np.inf
vals, index, counts = \
np.unique(seq[im], return_index=True, return_counts=True)
pcs = pc[im][index]
snwp = np.cumsum(counts)/im.sum()
# If pc does not have residual phase (-inf), then add new point at snwp=0
if pcs[0] != -np.inf:
pcs = np.hstack((pcs[0], pcs))
snwp = np.hstack(([0], snwp))
pcs = np.hstack((pcs[0], pcs[1], pcs[1:]))
snwp = np.hstack((snwp[0], snwp[0], snwp[1:]))
if pcs[-1] == np.inf: # If trapping occurred, as point at +inf
snwp[-1] = snwp[-2]
elif mode.startswith('imb'):
# seq[seq == -1] = -np.inf
swp_r = (seq[im] == 0).sum(dtype=np.int64)/im.sum(dtype=np.int64)
vals, index, counts = \
np.unique(seq[im], return_index=True, return_counts=True)
pcs = pc[im][index]
idx = np.argsort(pcs)[-1::-1] # Because -inf lands on wrong end
pcs = pcs[idx]
counts = counts[idx]
snwp = 1 - np.cumsum(counts)/im.sum()
snwp = np.hstack(([1.0-swp_r], snwp))
pcs = np.hstack((pcs[0], pcs))
if pcs[-1] == -np.inf:
snwp[-1] = snwp[-2]
# Apply clipping to Pc values
if pc_min or pc_max:
pcs = np.clip(pcs, a_min=pc_min, a_max=pc_max)
results = Results()
results.pc = pcs
results.snwp = snwp
return results
def satn_profile(satn, s=None, im=None, axis=0, span=10, mode='tile'):
Computes a saturation profile from an image of fluid invasion
satn : ndarray
An image with each voxel indicating the saturation upon its
invasion. 0's are treated as solid and -1's are treated as uninvaded
void space.
s : scalar
The global saturation value for which the profile is desired. If `satn` is
a pre-thresholded boolean image then this is ignored, in which case `im`
is required.
im : ndarray
A boolean image with `True` values indicating the void phase. This is used
to compute the void volume if `satn` is given as a pre-thresholded boolean
axis : int
The axis along which to profile should be measured
span : int
The number of layers to include in the moving average saturation
mode : str
How the moving average should be applied. Options are:
======== ==============================================================
mode description
======== ==============================================================
'tile' The average is computed for discrete non-overlapping
tiles of a size given by ``span``
'slide' The average is computed in a moving window starting at
``span/2`` and sliding by a single voxel. This method
provides more data points but is slower.
======== ==============================================================
results : dataclass
Results is a custom porespy class with the following attributes:
============= =========================================================
Attribute Description
============= =========================================================
position The position along the given axis at which saturation
values are computed. The units are in voxels.
saturation The local saturation value at each position.
============= =========================================================
`Click here
to view online example.
span = max(1, span)
if s is None:
if satn.dtype != bool:
msg = 'Must specify a target saturation if saturation map is provided'
raise Exception(msg)
s = 2 # Will find ALL voxels, then > 0 will limit to only True ones
satn = satn.astype(int)
satn[satn == 0] = -1
satn[~im] = 0
msg = 'The maximum saturation in the image is less than the given threshold'
if satn.max() < s:
raise Exception(msg)
satn = np.swapaxes(satn, 0, axis)
if mode == 'tile':
y = np.zeros(int(satn.shape[0]/span))
z = np.zeros_like(y)
for i in range(int(satn.shape[0]/span)):
void = satn[i*span:(i+1)*span, ...] != 0
nwp = (satn[i*span:(i+1)*span, ...] <= s) \
* (satn[i*span:(i+1)*span, ...] > 0)
y[i] = nwp.sum(dtype=np.int64)/void.sum(dtype=np.int64)
z[i] = i*span + (span-1)/2
if mode == 'slide':
y = np.zeros(int(satn.shape[0]-span))
z = np.zeros_like(y)
for i in range(int(satn.shape[0]-span)):
void = satn[i:i+span, ...] != 0
nwp = (satn[i:i+span, ...] <= s)*(satn[i:i+span, ...] > 0)
y[i] = nwp.sum(dtype=np.int64)/void.sum(dtype=np.int64)
z[i] = i + (span-1)/2
results = Results()
results.position = z
results.saturation = y
return results
def find_h(saturation, position=None, srange=[0.01, 0.99]):
Given a saturation profile, compute the height between given bounds
saturation : array_like
A list of saturation values as function of ``position``
position : array_like, optional
A list of positions corresponding to each saturation. If not provided
then each value in ``saturation`` is assumed to be separated by 1 voxel.
srange : list
The minimum and maximum value of saturation to consider as the start
and end of the profile
h : scalar
The height of the two-phase zone
See Also
The ``satn_profile`` function can be used to obtain the ``saturation``
and ``position`` from an image.
`Click here
to view online example.
r = Results()
r.valid = True
# First ensure saturation generally descends from left to right
if np.mean(saturation[:10]) < np.mean(saturation[-10:]):
saturation = np.flip(saturation, axis=0)
# Ensure requested saturation limits actually exist
if (min(srange) < min(saturation)) or (max(srange) > max(saturation)):
srange = max(min(srange), min(saturation)), min(max(srange), max(saturation))
r.valid = False
logger.warning(f'The requested saturation range was adjusted to {srange}'
' to accomodate data')
# Find zmax
x = saturation >= max(srange)
zmax = np.where(x)[0][-1]
y = saturation <= min(srange)
zmin = np.where(y)[0][0]
# If position array was given, index into it
if position is not None:
zmax = position[zmax]
zmin = position[zmin]
# Add remaining data to results object
r.zmax = zmax
r.zmin = zmin
r.smax = max(srange)
r.smin = min(srange)
r.h = abs(zmax-zmin)
return r
def bond_number(
im: npt.NDArray,
delta_rho: float,
g: float,
sigma: float,
voxel_size: float,
source: str = 'lt',
method: str = 'median',
mask: bool = False,
Computes the Bond number for an image
im : ndarray
The image of the domain with `True` values indicating the phase of interest
delta_rho : float
The difference in the density of the non-wetting and wetting phase
g : float
The gravitational constant for the system
sigma : float
The surface tension of the fluid pair
voxel_size : float
The size of the voxels
source : str
The source of the pore size values to use when computing the characteristic
length *R*. Options are:
============== =============================================================
Option Description
============== =============================================================
dt Uses the distance transform
lt Uses the local thickness
============== =============================================================
method : str
The method to use for finding the characteristic length *R* from the
values in `source`. Options are:
============== =============================================================
Option Description
============== =============================================================
mean The arithmetic mean (using `numpy.mean`)
min (or amin) The minimum value (using `numpy.amin`)
max (or amax) The maximum value (using `numpy.amax`)
mode The mode of the values (using `scipy.stats.mode`)
gmean The geometric mean of the values (using `scipy.stats.gmean`)
hmean The harmonic mean of the values (using `scipy.stats.hmean`)
pmean The power mean of the values (using `scipy.stats.pmean`)
============== =============================================================
mask : bool
If `True` then the distance values in `source` are masked by the skeleton
before computing the average value using the specified `method`.
if mask is True:
mask = skeletonize(im)
mask = im
if source == 'dt':
dvals = edt(im)
elif source == 'lt':
dvals = local_thickness(im)
raise Exception(f"Unrecognized source {source}")
if method in ['median', 'mean', 'amin', 'amax']:
f = getattr(np, method)
elif method in ['min', 'max']:
f = getattr(np, 'a' + method)
elif method in ['pmean', 'hmean', 'gmean', 'mode']:
f = getattr(spst, method)
raise Exception(f"Unrecognized method {method}")
R = f(dvals[mask])
Bo = abs(delta_rho*g*(R*voxel_size)**2/sigma)
return Bo