Source code for porespy.metrics._meshtools

import logging

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as spim
from skimage import measure

from porespy import settings
from import (

__all__ = [

tqdm = get_tqdm()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def region_volumes(regions, mode='marching_cubes', voxel_size=(1, 1, 1)): r""" Compute volume of each labelled region in an image Parameters ---------- regions : ndarray An image with labelled regions mode : string Controls the method used. Options are: 'marching_cubes' (default) Finds a mesh for each region using the marching cubes algorithm from ``scikit-image``, then finds the volume of the mesh using the ``trimesh`` package. 'voxel' Calculates the region volume as the sum of voxels within each region. Returns ------- volumes : ndarray An array of shape [N by 1] where N is the number of labelled regions in the image. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ slices = spim.find_objects(regions) vols = np.zeros([len(slices), ]) msg = "Computing region volumes".ljust(60) for i, s in enumerate(tqdm(slices, desc=msg, **settings.tqdm)): region = regions[s] == (i + 1) if mode == 'marching_cubes': vols[i] = mesh_volume(region, voxel_size=voxel_size) elif mode.startswith('voxel'): vols[i] = region.sum(dtype=np.int64) return vols
[docs] def mesh_volume(region, voxel_size=(1., 1., 1.)): r""" Compute the volume of a single region by meshing it Parameters ---------- region : ndarray An image with a single region labelled as ``True`` (or > 0) voxel_size : tuple The resolution of the image, expressed as the length of one side of a voxel, so the volume of a voxel would be **voxel_size**-cubed. The default is 1. Returns ------- volume : float The volume of the region computed by applyuing the marching cubes algorithm to the region, then finding the mesh volume using the ``trimesh`` package. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ try: from trimesh import Trimesh except ModuleNotFoundError: msg = 'The trimesh package can be installed with pip install trimesh' raise ModuleNotFoundError(msg) mc = mesh_region(region > 0, voxel_size=voxel_size) m = Trimesh(vertices=mc.verts, faces=mc.faces, vertex_normals=mc.norm) if m.is_watertight: vol = np.abs(m.volume) else: vol = np.nan return vol
[docs] def region_surface_areas(regions, voxel_size=(1, 1, 1), strel=None): r""" Extract the surface area of each region in a labeled image. Optionally, it can also find the the interfacial area between all adjoining regions. Parameters ---------- regions : ndarray An image of the pore space partitioned into individual pore regions. Note that zeros in the image will not be considered for area calculation. voxel_size : tuple The resolution of the image, expressed as the length of one side of a voxel, so the volume of a voxel would be **voxel_size**-cubed. The default is 1. strel : array_like The structuring element used to blur the region. If not provided, then a spherical element (or disk) with radius 1 is used. See the docstring for ``mesh_region`` for more details, as this argument is passed to there. Returns ------- areas : list A list containing the surface area of each region, offset by 1, such that the surface area of region 1 is stored in element 0 of the list. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """'Finding surface area of each region') im = regions if strel is None: strel = ps_round(1, im.ndim, smooth=False) # Get 'slices' into im for each pore region slices = spim.find_objects(im) # Initialize arrays Ps = np.arange(1, np.amax(im) + 1) sa = np.zeros_like(Ps, dtype=float) # Start extracting marching cube area from im msg = "Computing region surface area".ljust(60) for i in tqdm(Ps, desc=msg, **settings.tqdm): reg = i - 1 if slices[reg] is not None: s = extend_slice(slices[reg], im.shape) sub_im = im[s] mask_im = sub_im == i mesh = mesh_region(region=mask_im, strel=strel, voxel_size=voxel_size) sa[reg] = mesh_surface_area(mesh) result = sa return result
[docs] def mesh_surface_area(mesh=None, verts=None, faces=None): r""" Calculate the surface area of a meshed region Parameters ---------- mesh : tuple The tuple returned from the ``mesh_region`` function verts : array An N-by-ND array containing the coordinates of each mesh vertex faces : array An N-by-ND array indicating which elements in ``verts`` form a mesh element. Returns ------- surface_area : float The surface area of the mesh, calculated by ``skimage.measure.mesh_surface_area`` Notes ----- This function simply calls ``scikit-image.measure.mesh_surface_area``, but it allows for the passing of the ``mesh`` tuple returned by the ``mesh_region`` function, entirely for convenience. Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """ if mesh: verts = mesh.verts faces = mesh.faces else: if (verts is None) or (faces is None): raise Exception('Either mesh or verts and faces must be given') surface_area = measure.mesh_surface_area(verts, faces) return surface_area
[docs] def region_interface_areas(regions, areas, voxel_size=1, strel=None): r""" Calculate the interfacial area between all pairs of adjecent regions Parameters ---------- regions : ndarray An image of the pore space partitioned into individual pore regions. Note that zeros in the image will not be considered for area calculation. areas : array_like A list containing the areas of each regions, as determined by ``region_surface_area``. Note that the region number and list index are offset by 1, such that the area for region 1 is stored in ``areas[0]``. voxel_size : scalar The resolution of the image, expressed as the length of one side of a voxel, so the volume of a voxel would be **voxel_size**-cubed. The default is 1. strel : array_like The structuring element used to blur the region. If not provided, then a spherical element (or disk) with radius 1 is used. See the docstring for ``mesh_region`` for more details, as this argument is passed to there. Returns ------- areas : Results object A custom object with the following data added as named attributes: 'conns' An N-regions by 2 array with each row containing the region number of an adjacent pair of regions. For instance, if ``conns[0, 0]`` is 0 and ``conns[0, 1]`` is 5, then row 0 of ``area`` contains the interfacial area shared by regions 0 and 5. 'area' The area calculated for each pair of regions in ``conns`` Examples -------- `Click here <>`_ to view online example. """'Finding interfacial areas between each region') im = regions _check_for_singleton_axes(im) ball = ps_round(1, im.ndim, smooth=False) if strel is None: strel = np.copy(ball) # Get 'slices' into im for each region slices = spim.find_objects(im) # Initialize arrays Ps = np.arange(1, np.amax(im) + 1) sa = np.zeros_like(Ps, dtype=float) sa_combined = [] # Difficult to preallocate since number of conns unknown cn = [] # Start extracting area from im msg = "Computing interfacial area between regions".ljust(60) for i in tqdm(Ps, desc=msg, **settings.tqdm): reg = i - 1 if slices[reg] is not None: s = extend_slice(slices[reg], im.shape) sub_im = im[s] mask_im = sub_im == i sa[reg] = areas[reg] im_w_throats = spim.binary_dilation(input=mask_im, structure=ball) im_w_throats = im_w_throats * sub_im Pn = np.unique(im_w_throats)[1:] - 1 for j in Pn: if j > reg: cn.append([reg, j]) merged_region = im[(min(slices[reg][0].start, slices[j][0].start)): max(slices[reg][0].stop, slices[j][0].stop), (min(slices[reg][1].start, slices[j][1].start)): max(slices[reg][1].stop, slices[j][1].stop)] merged_region = ((merged_region == reg + 1) + (merged_region == j + 1)) mesh = mesh_region(region=merged_region, strel=strel, voxel_size=voxel_size) sa_combined.append(mesh_surface_area(mesh)) # Interfacial area calculation cn = np.array(cn) ia = 0.5 * (sa[cn[:, 0]] + sa[cn[:, 1]] - sa_combined) ia[ia <= 0] = 1 result = Results() result.conns = cn result.area = ia return result