Source code for

import logging
import sys
import numpy as np
import importlib
from dataclasses import dataclass
import psutil
import inspect
import time

logger = logging.getLogger("porespy")

__all__ = [

def _format_time(timespan, precision=3):
    """Formats the timespan in a human readable form"""

    if timespan >= 60.0:
        # we have more than a minute, format that in a human readable form
        # Idea from
        parts = [("d", 60*60*24), ("h", 60*60), ("min", 60), ("s", 1)]
        time = []
        leftover = timespan
        for suffix, length in parts:
            value = int(leftover / length)
            if value > 0:
                leftover = leftover % length
                time.append(u'%s%s' % (str(value), suffix))
            if leftover < 1:
        return " ".join(time)

    # Unfortunately the unicode 'micro' symbol can cause problems in
    # certain terminals.
    # See bug:
    # Try to prevent crashes by being more secure than it needs to
    # E.g. eclipse is able to print a µ, but has no sys.stdout.encoding set.
    units = [u"s", u"ms", u'us', "ns"]  # the save value
    if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'encoding') and sys.stdout.encoding:
            units = [u"s", u"ms", u'\xb5s', "ns"]
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
    scaling = [1, 1e3, 1e6, 1e9]

    if timespan > 0.0:
        order = min(-int(np.floor(np.log10(timespan)) // 3), 3)
        order = 3
    return u"%.*g %s" % (precision, timespan * scaling[order], units[order])

def tic():
    Homemade version of matlab tic and toc function, tic starts or resets
    the clock, toc reports the time since the last call of tic.

    See Also

    global _startTime_for_tictoc
    _startTime_for_tictoc = time.time()

def toc(quiet=False):
    Homemade version of matlab tic and toc function, tic starts or resets
    the clock, toc reports the time since the last call of tic.

    quiet : bool, default is False
        If False then a message is output to the console. If
        True the message is not displayed and the elapsed time is returned.

    See Also

    if "_startTime_for_tictoc" not in globals():
        raise Exception("Start time not set, call tic first")
    t = time.time() - _startTime_for_tictoc
    if quiet is False:
        print(f"Elapsed time: {_format_time(t)}")
    return t

def _is_ipython_notebook():  # pragma: no cover
        shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__
        if shell == 'ZMQInteractiveShell':
            return True     # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole
        if shell == 'TerminalInteractiveShell':
            return False    # Terminal running IPython
        return False        # Other type (?)
    except NameError:
        return False        # Probably standard Python interpreter

class Settings:  # pragma: no cover
    A dataclass for use at the module level to store settings.  This class
    is defined as a Singleton so now matter how or where it gets
    instantiated the same object is returned, containing all existing

    notebook : boolean
        Is automatically determined upon initialization of PoreSpy, and is
        ``True`` if running within a Jupyter notebook and ``False``
        otherwise. This is used by the ```` function
        to determine whether a standard or a notebook version of the
        progress bar should be used.
    tqdm : dict
        This dictionary is passed directly to the the ``tqdm`` function
        throughout PoreSpy (``for i in tqdm(range(N), **settings.tqdm)``).
        To see a list of available options visit the tqdm website.
        Probably the most important is ``'disable'`` which when set to
        ``True`` will silence the progress bars.  It's also possible to
        adjust the formatting such as ``'colour'`` and ``'ncols'``, which
        controls width.
    loglevel : str, or int
        Determines what messages to get printed in console. Options are:
        "TRACE" (5), "DEBUG" (10), "INFO" (20), "SUCCESS" (25), "WARNING" (30),
        "ERROR" (40), "CRITICAL" (50)

    __instance__ = None
    # Might need to add 'file': sys.stdout to tqdm dict
    tqdm = {'disable': False,
            'colour': None,
            'ncols': None,
            'leave': False,
            'file': sys.stdout}
    _loglevel = 40 if _is_ipython_notebook() else 30

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._notebook = None
        self._ncores = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)

    def loglevel(self):
        return self._loglevel

    def loglevel(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, str):
            options = {
                "TRACE" : 5,
                "DEBUG" : 10,
                "INFO" : 20,
                "SUCESS" : 25,
                "WARNING" : 30,
                "ERROR" : 40,
                "CRITICAL" : 50
            value = options[value]
        self._loglevel = value

    def __new__(cls):
        if Settings.__instance__ is None:
            Settings.__instance__ = super().__new__(cls)
        return Settings.__instance__

    def __repr__(self):
        indent = 0
        for item in self.__dir__():
            if not item.startswith('_'):
                indent = max(indent, len(item) + 1)
        s = ''
        for item in self.__dir__():
            if not item.startswith('_'):
                s += ''.join((item, ':', ' '*(indent-len(item))))
                attr = getattr(self, item)
                temp = ''.join((attr.__repr__(), '\n'))
                if isinstance(attr, dict):
                    temp = temp.replace(',', '\n' + ' '*(indent + 1))
                s += temp
        return s

    def _get_ncores(self):
        if self._ncores is None:
            self._ncores = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
        return self._ncores

    def _set_ncores(self, val):
        cpu_count = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)
        if val is None:
            val = cpu_count
        elif val > cpu_count:
            logger.error('Value is more than the available number of cores')
            val = cpu_count
        self._ncores = val

    ncores = property(fget=_get_ncores, fset=_set_ncores)

    def _get_notebook(self):
        if self._notebook is None:
            self._notebook = _is_ipython_notebook()
        return self._notebook

    def _set_notebook(self, val):
        logger.error('This value is determined automatically at runtime')

    notebook = property(fget=_get_notebook, fset=_set_notebook)

[docs] def get_tqdm(): # pragma: no cover r""" Fetches a version of ``tqdm`` function that depends on the environment. Either text-based for the IPython console or gui-based for Jupyter notebooks. Returns ------- tqdm : function handle The function to use when wrapping an iterator (i.e. tqdm(range(n))) """ if Settings().notebook is True: tqdm = importlib.import_module('tqdm.notebook') else: tqdm = importlib.import_module('tqdm') return tqdm.tqdm
[docs] def show_docstring(func): # pragma: no cover r""" Fetches the docstring for a function and returns it in markdown format. Useful for printing in a Jupyter notebook. Parameters ---------- func : object Function handle to function whose docstring is desired Returns ------- md : str A string with the markdown syntax included, suitable for printing in a Jupyter notebook using the ``IPython.display.Markdown`` function. """ title = f'---\n ## Documentation for ``{func.__name__}``\n ---\n' try: from npdoc_to_md import render_md_from_obj_docstring txt = render_md_from_obj_docstring(obj=func, obj_namespace=func.__name__) except ModuleNotFoundError: txt = func.__doc__ return title + txt + '\n---'
[docs] def sanitize_filename(filename, ext, exclude_ext=False): r""" Returns a sanitized string in the form of name.extension Parameters ---------- filename : str Unsanitized filename, could be 'test.vtk' or just 'test' ext : str Extension of the file, could be 'vtk' exclude_ext : bool If True, the returned string doesn't have the extension Returns ------- sanitized : str Sanitized filename in form of name.extension """ ext.strip(".") if filename.endswith(f".{ext}"): name = ".".join(filename.split(".")[:-1]) else: name = filename filename_formatted = f"{name}" if exclude_ext else f"{name}.{ext}" return filename_formatted
[docs] class Results: r""" A minimal class for use when returning multiple values from a function This class supports dict-like assignment and retrieval (``obj['im'] = im``), namedtuple-like attribute look-ups (````), and generic class-like object assignment (`` = im``) """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._func = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())[1].function self._time = time.asctime() def __iter__(self): for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if not k.startswith('_'): yield v def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.__dict__[key] = value def __str__(self): header = "―" * 78 lines = [ header, f"Results of {self._func} generated at {self._time}", header, ] for item in list(self.__dict__.keys()): if item.startswith('_'): continue if (isinstance(self[item], np.ndarray)): s = np.shape(self[item]) lines.append("{0:<25s} Array of size {1}".format(item, s)) elif hasattr(self[item], 'keys'): N = len(self[item].keys()) lines.append("{0:<25s} Dictionary with {1} items".format(item, N)) else: lines.append("{0:<25s} {1}".format(item, self[item])) lines.append(header) return "\n".join(lines)