Determining tortuosity using geometric domain decomposition

Import necessary packages and functions

import numpy as np
import porespy as ps
import openpnm as op
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
[20:08:06] ERROR    PARDISO solver not installed, run `pip install pypardiso`. Otherwise,
                    simulations will be slow. Apple M chips not supported.                                         

Generate test image

# im = ps.generators.fractal_noise(shape=[100,100,100], seed=1)<0.8
im = ps.generators.blobs(shape=[100, 100, 100], porosity=0.7)

Run the function on the image

from porespy.beta import tortuosity_bt
out = tortuosity_bt(im, block_size=50)
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 187.39 us
[20:08:09] WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    
           WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    
           WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 102.99 ms
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 206.77 ms
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 308.39 ms
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 411.36 ms
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 530.55 ms
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 732.28 ms
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 905.81 ms
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 1.02 s
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 1.12 s
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 1.24 s
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 1.34 s
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 1.45 s
[20:08:11] ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.5395e+01 vs. -2.5391e+01                
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 1.55 s
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.6630e+01 vs. -2.6619e+01                
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.6571e+01 vs. -2.6564e+01                
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.8140e+01 vs. -2.8126e+01                
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 1.66 s
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 1.76 s
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 1.86 s
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 1.96 s
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 2.06 s
[#############                           ] | 33% Completed | 2.17 s
[#############                           ] | 33% Completed | 2.28 s
[#############                           ] | 33% Completed | 2.38 s
[#############                           ] | 33% Completed | 2.54 s
[#############                           ] | 33% Completed | 2.86 s
[#############                           ] | 33% Completed | 2.97 s
[#############                           ] | 33% Completed | 3.12 s
[#############                           ] | 33% Completed | 3.23 s
[#############                           ] | 33% Completed | 3.34 s
[#############                           ] | 33% Completed | 3.44 s
[20:08:13] ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.3387e+01 vs. -2.3378e+01                
           WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    
[################                        ] | 41% Completed | 3.54 s
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.5440e+01 vs. -2.5433e+01                
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.7020e+01 vs. -2.7012e+01                
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.5927e+01 vs. -2.5921e+01                
           WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    
           WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    
           WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    
[##########################              ] | 66% Completed | 3.65 s
[##########################              ] | 66% Completed | 3.75 s
[##########################              ] | 66% Completed | 3.87 s
[##########################              ] | 66% Completed | 3.98 s
[##########################              ] | 66% Completed | 4.14 s
[##########################              ] | 66% Completed | 4.32 s
[##########################              ] | 66% Completed | 4.45 s
[##########################              ] | 66% Completed | 4.57 s
[##########################              ] | 66% Completed | 4.68 s
[##########################              ] | 66% Completed | 4.79 s
[##########################              ] | 66% Completed | 4.90 s
[20:08:14] ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.1896e+01 vs. -2.1890e+01                
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.2810e+01 vs. -2.2802e+01                
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.4781e+01 vs. -2.4769e+01                
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.5437e+01 vs. -2.5431e+01                
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 5.01 s

[np.float64(1.392510902972281), np.float64(1.3999150512069574), np.float64(1.3606684244878242)]

The three values in the returned list are the tortuosity values in the x, y, and z-direction respectively. However, there is a more useful form of this function.

from porespy.beta import analyze_blocks
out2 = analyze_blocks(im, block_size=50)
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 159.96 us
           WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    
           WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    
[                                        ] | 0% Completed | 103.51 ms
           WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    
[###                                     ] | 8% Completed | 208.80 ms
[###                                     ] | 8% Completed | 341.63 ms
[###                                     ] | 8% Completed | 484.70 ms
[###                                     ] | 8% Completed | 781.72 ms
[###                                     ] | 8% Completed | 897.63 ms
[###                                     ] | 8% Completed | 1.01 s
[###                                     ] | 8% Completed | 1.12 s
[###                                     ] | 8% Completed | 1.23 s
[###                                     ] | 8% Completed | 1.36 s
[20:08:16] ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.1896e+01 vs. -2.1890e+01                
[######                                  ] | 16% Completed | 1.47 s
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.4781e+01 vs. -2.4769e+01                
           WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.5440e+01 vs. -2.5433e+01                
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.8140e+01 vs. -2.8126e+01                
[################                        ] | 41% Completed | 1.57 s
           WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    
[################                        ] | 41% Completed | 1.67 s
[################                        ] | 41% Completed | 1.78 s
[################                        ] | 41% Completed | 1.92 s
[################                        ] | 41% Completed | 2.07 s
[################                        ] | 41% Completed | 2.19 s
[################                        ] | 41% Completed | 2.52 s
[################                        ] | 41% Completed | 2.66 s
[################                        ] | 41% Completed | 2.77 s
[################                        ] | 41% Completed | 2.88 s
[20:08:17] ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.6630e+01 vs. -2.6619e+01                
           WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    
[####################                    ] | 50% Completed | 3.00 s
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.7020e+01 vs. -2.7012e+01                
           WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    
[#######################                 ] | 58% Completed | 3.11 s
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.6571e+01 vs. -2.6564e+01                
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.5395e+01 vs. -2.5391e+01                
[##############################          ] | 75% Completed | 3.23 s
[##############################          ] | 75% Completed | 3.34 s
[##############################          ] | 75% Completed | 3.47 s
[##############################          ] | 75% Completed | 3.59 s
[##############################          ] | 75% Completed | 3.70 s
[##############################          ] | 75% Completed | 3.87 s
[##############################          ] | 75% Completed | 4.01 s
[##############################          ] | 75% Completed | 4.12 s
[##############################          ] | 75% Completed | 4.23 s
[20:08:18] ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.2810e+01 vs. -2.2802e+01                
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.5437e+01 vs. -2.5431e+01                
           ERROR    Inlet/outlet rates don't match: 2.3387e+01 vs. -2.3378e+01                
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 4.33 s

eps_orig eps_perc g tau volume length axis time
0 0.705176 0.705176 25.439633 1.414264 125000 50 0 1.553788
1 0.721312 0.721312 26.571451 1.385007 125000 50 0 1.567660
2 0.705616 0.705592 26.630394 1.351823 125000 50 0 1.446365
3 0.651352 0.651344 21.896334 1.517690 125000 50 0 1.409897
4 0.706072 0.706024 25.394748 1.418468 125000 50 1 1.628161
5 0.717600 0.717600 27.020315 1.354990 125000 50 1 1.601687
6 0.691104 0.691016 24.780591 1.422723 125000 50 1 1.472414
7 0.679584 0.679256 22.810414 1.519303 125000 50 1 1.207416
8 0.695480 0.000000 0.000000 inf 125000 50 2 0.121401
9 0.683104 0.683104 23.386926 1.490245 125000 50 2 1.149110

The analyze_blocks function returns a DataFrame containing the tortuosity, diffusive conductance, and porosity values of each block, which can be used to obtain the tortuosity by using OpenPNM to solve the resistor network as follows. Start by assigning the diffusive conductance values to the network, then run the simulation:

net =[2, 2, 2])
air = op.phase.Phase(network=net)


fd = op.algorithms.FickianDiffusion(network=net, phase=air)
fd.set_value_BC(pores=net.pores('left'), values=1)
fd.set_value_BC(pores=net.pores('right'), values=0)

rate_inlet = fd.rate(pores=net.pores('left'))[0]

# the length of one block is removed from the total length since the network edge begins
# in the center of the first slice and ends in the center of the last slice, so the image
# length is decreased
L = im.shape[1] - 50
A = im.shape[0] * im.shape[2]
d_eff = rate_inlet * L /(A * (1-0))

e = im.sum() / im.size
D_AB = 1

tau_gdd = e * D_AB / d_eff


The direct calculation can also be done on the same image, and the results can be compared.

direct = ps.simulations.tortuosity_fd(im, 0)
tau_direct = direct.tortuosity
[20:08:19] WARNING  Found non-percolating regions, were filled to percolate                    

With similar results, the main benefit to using the “block and tackle” method is the time save on larger images.