Find the high of the two-phase zone in an invasion image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import porespy as ps
[18:51:27] ERROR PARDISO solver not installed, run `pip install pypardiso`. Otherwise, simulations will be slow. Apple M chips not supported.
Start by performing a basic invasion simulation:
im = ps.generators.blobs(shape=[150, 150], porosity=0.6, blobiness=1)
inlets = np.zeros_like(im)
inlets[0, :] = True
pc = ps.filters.capillary_transform(im, voxel_size=1, g=0)
inv = ps.simulations.drainage(im=im, inlets=inlets, pc=pc)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=[12, 6])
ax[0].imshow(inv.im_snwp/im, interpolation='none', origin='lower')
ax[0].set_title('Saturation map')
ax[1].imshow((inv.im_snwp < 0.6)*(inv.im_snwp > 0)/im, interpolation='none', origin='lower')
ax[1].set_title('Fluid distribution at saturation = 0.6');
Next we need to find to convert the fluid configuration image into a saturation profile:
s_prof = ps.metrics.satn_profile(satn=inv.im_snwp, s=0.6)
plt.plot(s_prof.position, s_prof.saturation, 'b-o')
plt.xlabel("distance from injection face")
plt.ylabel("non-wetting phase saturation");
Finally, we can determine the height of the two phase zone:
h = ps.metrics.find_h(s_prof.saturation, s_prof.position)
[18:51:31] WARNING The requested saturation range was adjusted to (0.01, 0.9838709677419355) to accomodate data
Results of find_h generated at Wed Mar 12 18:51:31 2025
valid False
zmax 15.0
zmin 115.0
smax 0.9838709677419355
smin 0.01
h 100.0
The object that is returned by find_h
is like a dataclass, meaning it is an object with data as attributes, which can be inspected by printing it. Note that the valid
attribute is False
. This is because by default the function finds the distance between s_nwp=0.99 and s_nwp=0.01, however as can be seen in the above printout the maximun saturation in the image was 0.9768, so the profile did not span the requested range. This can be specified:
h = ps.metrics.find_h(s_prof.saturation, s_prof.position, srange=[0.01, 0.95])
Results of find_h generated at Wed Mar 12 18:51:31 2025
valid True
zmax 25.0
zmin 115.0
smax 0.95
smin 0.01
h 90.0